

VMware vSphere

VSICM8 - VMware vSphere v8: Install, Configure, Manage

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VSICM8

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  622 000 ₸
Онлайн формат:  568 000 ₸


This five-day course features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 8, which includes VMware ESXi™ 8 and VMware vCenter® 8. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size.

This course is the foundation for most VMware technologies in the software-defined data center.

Product Alignment
VMware ESXi 8.0
VMware vCenter 8.0

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Install and configure ESXi hosts
Deploy and configure vCenter
Use the vSphere Client to create the vCenter inventory and assign roles to vCenter users
Create virtual networks using vSphere standard switches and distributed switches
Create and configure datastores using storage technologies supported by vSphere
Use the vSphere® Client™ to create virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshots
Create content libraries for managing templates and deploying virtual machines
Manage virtual machine resource allocation
Migrate virtual machines with VMware vSphere® vMotion® and VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
Create and configure a vSphere cluster that is enabled with VMware vSphere® High Availability and
VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™
Manage the life cycle of vSphere to keep vCenter, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines up to date

This course has the following prerequisites:

System administration experience on Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems

System administrators
System engineers

1 Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

2 vSphere and Virtualization Overview
Explain basic virtualization concepts
Describe how vSphere fits in the software-defined data center and the cloud infrastructure
Recognize the user interfaces for accessing vSphere
Explain how vSphere interacts with CPUs, memory, networks, storage, and GPUs

3 Installing and Configuring ESXi
Install an ESXi host
Recognize ESXi user account best practices
Configure the ESXi host settings using the DCUI and VMware Host Client

4 Deploying and Configuring vCenter
Recognize ESXi hosts communication with vCenter
Deploy vCenter Server Appliance
Configure vCenter settings
Use the vSphere Client to add and manage license keys
Create and organize vCenter inventory objects
Recognize the rules for applying vCenter permissions
View vCenter logs and events

5 Configuring vSphere Networking
Configure and view standard switch configurations
Configure and view distributed switch configurations
Recognize the difference between standard switches and distributed switches
Explain how to set networking policies on standard and distributed switches

6 Configuring vSphere Storage
Recognize vSphere storage technologies
Identify types of vSphere datastores
Describe Fibre Channel components and addressing
Describe iSCSI components and addressing
Configure iSCSI storage on ESXi
Create and manage VMFS datastores
Configure and manage NFS datastores

7 Deploying Virtual Machines
Create and provision VMs
Explain the importance of VMware Tools
Identify the files that make up a VM
Recognize the components of a VM
Navigate the vSphere Client and examine VM settings and options
Modify VMs by dynamically increasing resources
Create VM templates and deploy VMs from them
Clone VMs
Create customization specifications for guest operating systems
Create local, published, and subscribed content libraries
Deploy VMs from content libraries
Manage multiple versions of VM templates in content libraries

8 Managing Virtual Machines
Recognize the types of VM migrations that you can perform within a vCenter instance and across vCenter instances
Migrate VMs using vSphere vMotion
Describe the role of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility in migrations
Migrate VMs using vSphere Storage vMotion
Take a snapshot of a VM
Manage, consolidate, and delete snapshots
Describe CPU and memory concepts in relation to a virtualized environment
Describe how VMs compete for resources
Define CPU and memory shares, reservations, and limits

9 Deploying and Configuring vSphere Clusters
Create a vSphere cluster enabled for vSphere DRS and vSphere HA
View information about a vSphere cluster
Explain how vSphere DRS determines VM placement on hosts in the cluster
Recognize use cases for vSphere DRS settings
Monitor a vSphere DRS cluster
Describe how vSphere HA responds to various types of failures
Identify options for configuring network redundancy in a vSphere HA cluster
Recognize vSphere HA design considerations
Recognize the use cases for various vSphere HA settings
Configure a vSphere HA cluster
Recognize when to use vSphere Fault Tolerance

10 Managing the vSphere Lifecycle
Enable vSphere Lifecycle Manager in a vSphere cluster
Describe features of the vCenter Update Planner
Run vCenter upgrade prechecks and interoperability reports
Recognize features of VMware vSphere® Lifecycle Manager™
Distinguish between managing hosts using baselines and managing hosts using images
Describe how to update hosts using baselines
Describe ESXi images
Validate ESXi host compliance against a cluster image and update ESXi hosts
Update ESXi hosts using vSphere Lifecycle Manager
Describe vSphere Lifecycle Manager automatic recommendations
Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to upgrade VMware Tools and VM hardware

VSOSS8 - VMware vSphere: Operate, Scale and Secure V8

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VSOSS8

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  643 000 ₸
Онлайн формат:  588 000 ₸


This five-day course teaches you advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. Through a mix of lecture and hands-on labs, you configure and optimize the VMware vSphere 8 features that build a foundation for a truly scalable infrastructure. You also discuss when and where these features have the greatest effect. Attend this course to deepen your understanding of vSphere and learn how its advanced features and controls can benefit your organization.

Product Alignment
VMware ESXi 8.0
VMware vCenter 8.0

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Configure and manage a VMware Tools Repository
Configure vSphere Replication and recover replicated VMs
Manage VM resource usage with resource pools
Configure and manage vSphere networking and storage for a large and sophisticated enterprise
Configure VMware vCenter Server® High Availability
Use host profiles to manage VMware ESXi™ 8 host compliance
Use the vSphere Client and the command line to manage certificates
Monitor the vCenter, ESXi, and VMs performance in the vSphere client
Secure VMware vCenter® 8, ESXi, and VMs in your vSphere environment
Use Identity Federation to configure the vCenter to use external identity sources
Use VMware vSphere® Trust Authority™ secure the infrastructure for encrypted VMs

This course requires the following:

Attend VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8]
Equivalent knowledge and administration experience with ESXi and vCenter
Experience with working at the command line is highly recommended.

Experienced system administrators
System engineers
System integrators

1 Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

2 Virtual Machine Operations
Recognize the role of a VMware ToolsTM Repository
Configure a VMware Tools Repository
Recognize the backup and restore solution for VMs
Identify the components in the VMware vSphere® ReplicationTM architecture
Deploy and configure vSphere Replication and VMware Site RecoveryTM instances
Recover replicated VMs

3 vSphere Cluster Operations
Create and manage resource pools in a cluster
Describe how scalable shares work
Describe the function of the vCLS
Recognize operations that might disrupt the healthy functioning of vCLS VMs

4 Network Operations
Configure and manage vSphere distributed switches
Describe how VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control enhances performance
Explain distributed switch features such as port mirroring and NetFlow
Define vSphere Distributed Services Engine
Describe the use cases and benefits of VMware vSphere® Distributed Services EngineTM

5 Storage Operations
Discuss vSphere support for NVMe and iSER technologies
Describe the architecture and requirements of vSAN configuration
Describe storage policy-based management
Recognize components in the VMware vSphere® Virtual VolumesTM architecture
Configure Storage I/O Control

6 vCenter and ESXi Operations
Create a vCenter backup schedule
Recognize the importance of vCenter High Availability
Explain how vCenter Server High Availability works
Use host profiles to manage ESXi configuration compliance
Recognize the benefits of using configuration profiles
Use the vSphere client and the command line to manage certificates

7 vSphere Monitoring
Monitor the key factors that can affect a virtual machine’s performance
Describe the factors that influence vCenter performance
Use vCenter tools to monitor resource use
Create custom alarms in vCenter
Describe the benefits and capabilities of VMware SkylineTM
Recognize uses for VMware Skyline AdvisorTM Pro

8 vSphere Security and Access Control
Recognize strategies for securing vSphere components, such as vCenter, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines
Describe vSphere support for security standards and protocols
Describe identity federation and recognize its use cases
Configure identity federation to allow vCenter to use an external identity provider

9 vSphere Trusted Environments and VM Encryption
Configure ESXi Host Access and Authentication
Describe virtual machine security features
Describe the components of a VM encryption architecture
Create, manage, and migrate encrypted VMs
List VM encryption events and alarms
Describe the benefits and use cases of vSphere Trust Authority

VSTS8 - VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting V8

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VSTS8

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  756 000 ₸
Онлайн формат:  707 000 ₸


This five-day training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence in troubleshooting the VMware vSphere® 8 environment. This course increases your skill level and competence in using the command-line interface, VMware vSphere® Client™, log files, and other tools to analyze and solve problems.

Product Alignment
VMware ESXi 8.0
VMware vCenter Server 8.0

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Introduce troubleshooting principles and procedures
Use command-line interfaces, log files, and the vSphere Client to diagnose and resolve problems in the vSphere environment
Explain the purpose of common vSphere log files
Identify networking issues based on reported symptoms
Validate and troubleshoot the reported networking issue
Identify the root cause of networking issue
Implement the appropriate resolution to recover from networking problems
Analyze storage failure scenarios using a logical troubleshooting methodology identify the root cause of storage failure
Apply the appropriate resolution to resolve storage failure problems
Troubleshoot vSphere cluster failure scenarios
Analyze possible vSphere cluster failure causes
Diagnose common VMware vSphere® High Availability problems and provide solutions
Identify and validate VMware ESXiTM host and VMware vCenter® problems
Analyze failure scenarios of ESXi host and vCenter problems
Select the correct resolution for the failure of ESXi host and vCenter problems
Troubleshoot virtual machine problems, including migration problems, snapshot problems, and connection problems
Troubleshoot performance problems with vSphere components

This course requires completion of one the following courses:

VCP-DCV certification
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage
VMware vSphere: Operate, Scale and Secure

The course material presumes that you can perform the following tasks with no assistance or guidance before enrolling in this course:

Install and configure ESXi
Install vCenter Server
Create vCenter Server objects, such as data centers and folders
Create and modify a standard switch
Create and modify a distributed switch
Connect an ESXi host to NAS, iSCSI, or Fibre Channel storage
Create a VMware vSphere VMFS datastore
Modify a virtual machine’s hardware
Migrate a virtual machine with VMware vSphere® vMotion® and VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
Configure and manage a VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource SchedulerTM cluster
Configure and manage a VMware vSphere HA cluster
Basic knowledge of command line tools like ESXCLI, DCLI, and PowerCLI
If you cannot complete these tasks, VMware recommends that you take the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8] course instead.

System architects and system administrators

1 Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

2 Introduction to Troubleshooting
Define the scope of troubleshooting
Use a structured approach to solve configuration and operational problems
Apply troubleshooting methodology to logically diagnose faults and improve troubleshooting efficiency

3 Troubleshooting Tools
Discuss the various methods to run commands
Discuss the various ways to access ESXi Shell
Use commands to view, configure, and manage your vSphere components
Use the vSphere CLI
Use ESXCLI commands from the vSphere CLI
Use Data Center CLI commands
Identify the best tool for command-line interface troubleshooting
Identify important log files for troubleshooting vCenter Server and ESXi
Describe the benefits and capabilities of VMware SkylineTM
Explain how VMware Skyline works
Describe VMware SkylineTM Health
Describe VMware Skyline AdvisorTM

4 Troubleshooting Virtual Networking
Analyze and troubleshoot standard switch problems
Analyze and troubleshoot virtual machine connectivity problems
Analyze and troubleshoot management network problems
Analyze and troubleshoot distributed switch problems

5 Troubleshooting Storage

Discuss the vSphere storage architecture
Identify the possible causes of problems in the various types of datastores
Analyze the common storage connectivity and configuration problems
Discuss the possible storage problems causes
Solve the storage connectivity problems, correct misconfigurations, and restore LUN visibility
Review vSphere storage architecture and functionality necessary to troubleshoot storage problems
Use ESXi and Linux commands to troubleshoot storage problems
Analyze log file entries to identify the root cause of storage problems
Investigate ESXi storage issues
Troubleshoot VM snapshots
Troubleshoot storage performance problems
Review multipathing
Identify the common causes of missing paths, including PDL and APD conditions
Solve the missing path problems between hosts and storage devices

6 Troubleshooting vSphere Clusters

Identify and troubleshoot vSphere HA problems
Analyze and solve vSphere vMotion problems
Diagnose and troubleshoot common vSphere DRS problems

7 Troubleshooting Virtual Machines

Discuss virtual machine files and disk content IDs
Identify, analyze, and solve virtual machine snapshot problems
Troubleshoot virtual machine power-on problems
Identify possible causes and troubleshoot virtual machine connection state problems
Diagnose and recover from VMware Tools installation failures

8 Troubleshooting vCenter Server and ESXi

Analyze and solve vCenter Server service problems
Diagnose and troubleshoot vCenter Server database problems
Use vCenter Server Appliance shell and the Bash shell to identify and solve problems
Identify and troubleshoot ESXi host problems

VSFT8 - VMware vSphere: Fast Track V8

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VSFT8

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат: ₸
Онлайн формат: ₸


This five-day, extended hour course takes you from introductory to advanced VMware vSphere® 8 management skills. Building on the installation and configuration content from our best-selling course, you will also develop advanced skills needed to manage and maintain a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. Through a mix of lecture and hands-on labs, you will install, configure, and manage vSphere 7. You will explore the features that build a foundation for a truly scalable infrastructure and discuss when and where these features have the greatest effect. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size using vSphere 8, which includes VMware ESXi™ 8 and VMware vCenter Server® 8.

Product Alignment
VMware ESXi 8.0
VMware vCenter 8.0

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Install and configure ESXi hosts
Deploy and configure vCenter
Use the vSphere Client to create the vCenter inventory and assign roles to vCenter users
Configure vCenter High Availability
Create and configure virtual networks using vSphere standard switches and distributed switches
Create and configure datastores using storage technologies supported by vSphere
Use the vSphere Client to create virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshots
Configure and manage a VMware Tools Repository
Create content libraries for managing templates and deploying virtual machines
Manage virtual machine resource use
Migrate virtual machines with vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion
Create and configure a vSphere cluster that is enabled with vSphere High Availability and vSphere Distributed Resource
Manage the life cycle of vSphere to keep vCenter, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines up to date
Configure and manage vSphere networking and storage for a large and sophisticated enterprise
Use host profiles to manage VMware ESXi host compliance
Monitor the vCenter, ESXi, and VMs performance in the vSphere client

This course has the following prerequisites:

System administration experience on Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems

System administrators
System engineers

1 Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

2 vSphere and Virtualization Overview
Explain basic virtualization concepts
Describe how vSphere fits in the software-defined data center and the cloud infrastructure
Recognize the user interfaces for accessing vSphere
Explain how vSphere interacts with CPUs, memory, networks, storage, and GPUs
Install an ESXi host

3 vCenter Management
Recognize ESXi hosts communication with vCenter
Deploy vCenter Server Appliance
Configure vCenter settings
Use the vSphere Client to add and manage license keys
Create and organize vCenter inventory objects
Recognize the rules for applying vCenter permissions
View vSphere tasks and events
Create a vCenter backup schedule
Recognize the importance of vCenter High Availability
Explain how vCenter High Availability works

4 Configure and Manage vSphere Networking
Configure and view standard switch configurations
Configure and view distributed switch configurations
Recognize the difference between standard switches and distributed switches
Explain how to set networking policies on standard and distributed switches

5 Configure and Manage vSphere Storage
Recognize vSphere storage technologies
Identify types of vSphere datastores
Describe Fibre Channel components and addressing
Describe iSCSI components and addressing
Configure iSCSI storage on ESXi
Create and manage VMFS datastores
Configure and manage NFS datastores
Discuss vSphere support for NVMe and iSER technologies

6 Deploying Virtual Machines
Create and provision VMs
Explain the importance of VMware Tools
Identify the files that make up a VM
Recognize the components of a VM
Navigate the vSphere Client and examine VM settings and options
Modify VMs by dynamically increasing resources
Create VM templates and deploy VMs from them
Clone VMs
Create customization specifications for guest operating systems
Create local, published, and subscribed content libraries
Deploy VMs from content libraries
Manage multiple versions of VM templates in content libraries

7 Managing Virtual Machines
Recognize the types of VM migrations that you can perform within a vCenter instance and across vCenter instances
Migrate VMs using vSphere vMotion
Describe the role of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility in migrations
Migrate VMs using vSphere Storage vMotion
Take a snapshot of a VM
Manage, consolidate, and delete snapshots
Describe CPU and memory concepts in relation to a virtualized environment
Describe how VMs compete for resources
Define CPU and memory shares, reservations, and limits
Recognize the role of a VMware Tools Repository
Configure a VMware Tools Repository
Recognize the backup and restore solution for VMs

8 vSphere Cluster Management
Use Cluster Quickstart to enable vSphere cluster services and configure the cluster
View information about a vSphere cluster
Explain how vSphere DRS determines VM placement on hosts in the cluster
Recognize use cases for vSphere DRS settings
Monitor a vSphere DRS cluster
Describe how vSphere HA responds to different types of failures
Identify options for configuring network redundancy in a vSphere HA cluster
Recognize the use cases for various vSphere HA settings
Configure a cluster enabled for vSphere DRS and vSphere HA
Recognize when to use vSphere Fault Tolerance
Describe the function of the vCLS
Recognize operations that might disrupt the healthy functioning of vCLS VMs

9 Managing the vSphere Lifecycle
Generate vCenter interoperability reports
Recognize features of vSphere Lifecycle Manager
Describe ESXi images and image depots
Enable vSphere Lifecycle Manager in a vSphere cluster
Validate ESXi host compliance against a cluster image and remediate ESXi hosts using vSphere Lifecycle Manager
Describe vSphere Lifecycle Manager automatic recommendations
Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to upgrade VMware Tools and VM hardware

10 Network Operations
Configure and manage vSphere distributed switches
Describe how VMware vSphere Network I/O Control enhances performance
Define vSphere Distributed Services Engine
Describe the use cases and benefits of vSphere Distributed Services Engine

11 Storage Operations
Describe the architecture and requirements of vSAN configuration
Describe storage policy-based management
Recognize components in the vSphere Virtual Volumes architecture
Configure Storage I/O Control

12 ESXi Operations
Use host profiles to manage ESXi configuration compliance
Recognize the benefits of using configuration profiles

13 vSphere Monitoring
Monitor the key factors that can affect a virtual machine’s performance
Describe the factors that influence vCenter performance
Use vCenter tools to monitor resource use
Create custom alarms in vCenter
Describe the benefits and capabilities of VMware Skyline
Recognize uses for Skyline Advisor Pro

DCVCTS - VMware Data Center Virtualization: Core Technical Skills

Длительность: 4 дня (32 часа)
Код курса: DCVCTS

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This four-day, hands-on training course is an introduction to VMware vSphere®. In this course, you acquire the skills needed to perform Day 2 operational tasks that are typically assigned to the roles of operator or junior administrator in a vSphere environment.

Product Alignment

VMware ESXi 7.0
VMware vCenter Server 7.0

Who should attend
Technical professionals with basic system administration skills and operators responsible for managing virtual machines using VMware ESXi™ and VMware vCenter Server®


This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Technical Associate ‒ Data Center Virtualization 2023


This course has the following prerequisites:

Working knowledge of operating systems
Understanding of basic network, storage, and computer hardware concepts

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe virtualization and virtual machines
Describe vSphere components and the software-defined data center (SDDC)
Explain the concepts of server, network, and storage virtualization
Monitor network and datastore configurations in VMware vSphere® Client™
Deploy, configure, and clone virtual machines
Migrate, monitor, and manage virtual machines
Monitor tasks and events in VMware vSphere® Client™
Recognize how vSphere DRS and VMware vSphere® High Availability improve performance and availability of a vSphere cluster

Course Outline:

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Virtualization and vSphere Concepts

Describe how virtual machines (VMs) work
Recognize the purpose of a hypervisor
Describe how VMs share resources in a virtualized environment
Recognize the components of an SDDC
Describe the relationship between vSphere, the SDDC, and cloud computing
Recognize the functions of the components in a vSphere environment
Access and view vSphere graphical user interfaces
Identify VMware solutions that integrate with vSphere in the SDDC

Navigating the vSphere Client

View and organize the inventory objects managed by vCenter Server
Add and assign vSphere licenses
Change the log level of vCenter Server
Edit the startup policy of ESXi services
Describe how vCenter Server roles and permissions work
Add permissions to virtual machines

Lifecycle of Virtual Machines

Add and remove VM virtual hardware components
Identify the purpose of different VM files
Configure VM settings
Create and delete virtual machines
Recognize the benefits of installing VMware Tools™
Install VMware Tools into a guest operating system
Upgrade VMware Tools and VM hardware compatibility

vSphere Networking

Describe virtual networking
Recognize ways that virtual switches connect VMs and ESXi hosts to the network
View components and properties of a vSphere standard switch configuration
View a vSphere distributed switch configuration in vSphere Client
Recognize when and how to use the settings for the security networking policy
Recognize when and how to use the settings for the traffic shaping networking policy
Describe how the NIC teaming and failover policy helps maintain network connectivity
Perform basic checks to diagnose VM connectivity issues

vSphere Storage

Describe the function of a datastore
Recognize types of vSphere datastores
View datastore information in vSphere Client
Monitor datastore usage in vSphere Client

Virtual Machine Management

Recognize the benefits of using VM templates
Create and update a VM template
Deploy a VM from an existing template
Clone a virtual machine
Recognize how to use guest OS customization specifications
Deploy VMs from a content library
Deploy a virtual appliance from an OVF template
Perform a hot and cold migrations of VMs
Identify requirements for using VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
Perform a vSphere Storage vMotion migration
Identify use cases for VM snapshots
Create and manage snapshots of a virtual machine
Resource Monitoring
Recognize the purpose of each type of VM resource control
Configure the resource allocation settings of a VM
Observe the behavior of virtual machines with different share values
Manage and acknowledge vSphere alarms
Use performance charts to monitor VM CPU and memory usage
Monitor tasks and events in vSphere Client

vSphere Clusters

View information about the services that a vSphere cluster offers
Recognize how vSphere HA responds to different types of failures
Monitor vSphere HA during a host failure
Describe how vSphere DRS works
Interpret DRS scores given to VMs
Recognize how to apply the appropriate vSphere DRS automation and migration threshold levels
Describe how vSphere Fault Tolerance works
Recognize how Enhanced vMotion Compatibility works

VMware Virtual SAN

VSANICM8 - VMware vSAN: Install, Configure, Manage

Длительность: 4 дня (32 часа)
Код курса: VSANICM8

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  ₸
Онлайн формат:  ₸



During this four-day course, you will gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to plan and deploy a VMware vSAN™ cluster. You will learn about managing and operating vSAN. This course focuses on building the required skills for common Day-2 vSAN administrator tasks such as vSAN node management, cluster maintenance, security operations, troubleshooting and advanced vSAN cluster operations. You will learn these skills through the completion of instructor-led activities and hands-on lab exercises.

Product Alignment

VMware ESXi™ 8.0
VMware vCenter Server® 8.0
VMware vSAN 8.0


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe vSAN concepts
Detail the underlying vSAN architecture and components
Explain the key features and use cases for vSAN
Identify requirements and planning considerations for vSAN clusters
Explain the importance vSAN node hardware compatibility
Describe the different vSAN deployment options
Explain how to configure vSAN fault domains
Detail how to define and create a VM storage policy
Discuss the impact of vSAN storage policy changes
Detail vSAN resilience and data availability
Describe vSAN storage space efficiency
Explain how vSAN encryption works
Detail VMware HCI Mesh™ technology and architecture
Detail vSAN File Service architecture and configuration
Describe how to setup a stretched and a two-node vSAN cluster
Describe vSAN maintenance mode and data evacuation options
Define the steps to shut down a vSAN cluster for maintenance
Explain how to use proactive tests to check the integrity of a vSAN cluster
Use VMware Skyline Health™ for monitoring vSAN health
Use VMware Skyline Health to investigate and help determine failure conditions
Discuss vSAN troubleshooting best practices
Describe vSAN Express Storage ArchitectureTM concepts


Equivalent knowledge or completion of the following course is required:

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage


Storage and virtual infrastructure consultants
Solution architects
Administrators who are responsible for production support and administration of VMware vSAN 8.0.


Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

Introduction to vSAN

Describe vSAN architecture
Describe the vSAN software components: CLOM, DOM, LSOM, CMMDS, and RDT
Identify vSAN objects and components
Describe the advantages of object-based storage
Describe the difference between All-Flash and Hybrid vSAN architecture
Explain the key features and use cases for vSAN
Discuss the vSAN integration and compatibility with other VMware technologies

Planning a vSAN Cluster
Identify requirements and planning considerations for vSAN clusters
Apply vSAN cluster planning and deployment best practices
Determine and plan for storage consumption by data growth and failure tolerance
Design vSAN hosts for operational needs
Identify vSAN networking features and requirements
Describe ways of controlling traffic in a vSAN environment
Recognize best practices for vSAN network configurations

Deploying a vSAN Cluster

Recognize the importance of hardware compatibility
Ensure the compatibility of driver and firmware versioning
Use tools to automate driver validation and installation
Apply host hardware settings for optimum performance
Use VMware vSphere® Lifecycle ManagerTM to perform upgrades
Deploy and configure a vSAN Cluster using the Cluster QuickStart wizard
Manually configure a vSAN Cluster using VMware vSphere® Client™
Explain and configure vSAN fault domains
Using VMware vSphere® High Availability with vSAN
Understand vSAN Cluster maintenance capabilities
Describe the difference between implicit and explicit fault domains
Create explicit fault domains

vSAN Storage Policies

Describe a vSAN object
Describe how objects are split into components
Explain the purpose of witness components
Explain how vSAN stores large objects
View object and component placement on the vSAN datastore
Explain how storage policies work with vSAN
Define and create a virtual machine storage policy
Apply and modify virtual machine storage policies
Change virtual machine storage policies dynamically
Identify virtual machine storage policy compliance status

vSAN Resilience and Data Availability

Describe and configure the Object Repair Timer advanced option
Plan disk replacement in a vSAN cluster
Plan maintenance tasks to avoid vSAN object failures
Recognize the importance of managing snapshot utilization in a vSAN cluster

Managing vSAN Storage Space Efficiency

Discuss deduplication and compression techniques
Understand deduplication and compression overhead
Discuss compression only mode
Configure erasure coding
Configure swap object thin provisioning
Discuss reclaiming storage space with SCSI UNMAP
Configure TRIM/UNMAP

vSAN Security Operations

Identify differences between VM encryption and vSAN encryption
Perform ongoing operations to maintain data security
Describe the workflow of data-in transit encryption
Identify the steps involved in replacing Key Management Server


Understand the purpose of vSAN HCI Mesh
Detail vSAN HCI Mesh technology and architecture
Perform mount and unmount of a remote datastore

vSAN File Service and iSCSI Target Service

Understand the purpose of vSAN File Services
Detail vSAN File Services architecture
Configure vSAN File Shares
Describe vSAN iSCSI Target Service

vSAN Stretched and Two Node Clusters

Describe the architecture and uses case for stretched clusters
Detail the deployment and replacement of a vSAN witness node
Describe the architecture and uses case for two-node clusters
Explain storage policies for vSAN stretched cluster

vSAN Cluster Maintenance

Perform typical vSAN maintenance operations
Describe vSAN maintenance modes and data evacuation options
Assess the impact on cluster objects of entering maintenance mode
Determine the specific data actions required after exiting maintenance mode
Define the steps to shut down and reboot hosts and vSAN clusters
Use best practices for boot devices
Replace vSAN nodes

vSAN Cluster Monitoring

Describe how the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) enables VMware to improve products and services
Use VMware Skyline Health for monitoring vSAN cluster health
Manage alerts, alarms, and notifications related to vSAN in VMware vSphere® Client™
Create and configure custom alarms to trigger vSAN health issues
Use IOInsight metrics for monitoring vSAN performance
Use a vSAN proactive test to detect and diagnose cluster issues

vSAN Troubleshooting

Use a structured approach to solve configuration and operational problems
Apply troubleshooting methodology to logically diagnose faults and optimize troubleshooting efficiency
Use VMware Skyline Health to investigate and help determine failure conditions
Explain which log files are useful for vSAN troubleshooting

vSAN Express Storage Architecture

Understand the purpose of vSAN Express Storage Architecture
Describe the vSAN Express Storage Architecture components
Identify Storage Policy differences
Understand compression and encryption operation differences

VSANTS8 - VMware vSAN: Troubleshooting v8

Длительность: 2 дня (16 часов)
Код курса: VSANTS8

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This two-day, hands-on training course provides the knowledge to troubleshoot VMware vSAN™ clusters. In this course, you will learn the best practices to maintain a healthy vSAN environment and mitigate potential issues that may occur with operation of the software. You will learn the GUI and CLI vSAN monitoring and troubleshooting tools. The course provides a logical framework for a systematic troubleshooting approach. You will learn how to troubleshoot vSAN common issues with examples. The labs provided in the course simulate real-world problems to evaluate and enhance your troubleshooting skills.

Product Alignment

VMware ESXi™ 8.0
VMware vCenter Server® 8.0
VMware vSAN 8.0

Course Content

Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

vSAN Best Practice and Problems Prevention

Discuss the importance of vSAN planning and availability best practice
Discuss vSAN networking best practice
Discuss the importance of vSAN Data protection
Understand the Data protection best Practice
Discuss the importance of vSAN hardware compatibility
Learn how to check hardware compatibility for vSAN
List the factors that impact vSAN performance
Learn how to benchmark vSAN performance
Discuss the importance of Skyline Advisor
Learn how to use Skyline Advisor

vSAN Monitoring and Troubleshooting tools

Explain vSAN Skyline Health features
Discuss the other vSAN cluster-level monitoring in the VMware vSphere® client
Discuss vSAN host-level monitoring in the vSphere client
Discuss vSAN VM-level monitoring in the vSphere Client
Understand tasks and events views within the vSphere client
Describe vSphere Alarms
Learn how to use the CLI to find information about vSAN cluster

vSAN Best Practice and Problems Prevention

Discuss the importance of vSAN planning and availability best practice
Discuss vSAN networking best practice
Discuss the importance of vSAN Data protection
Understand the Data protection best Practice
Discuss the importance of vSAN hardware compatibility
Learn how to check hardware compatibility for vSAN
List the factors that impact vSAN performance
Learn how to benchmark vSAN performance
Discuss the importance of Skyline Advisor
Learn how to use Skyline Advisor

Troubleshooting Process

Learn the recommended vSAN troubleshooting process
Describe the PNOMA framework
Learn how to troubleshoot vSAN common issues
Getting Support
Discuss how to get further support from the community and the knowledge base articles
Learn how to effectively contact VMware technical support
Troubleshooting Labs
Enhance and test vSAN troubleshooting skills through labs

Who should attend

Experienced system vSAN administrators
Customers, cloud architects, systems engineers, data center administrators


Before taking this course, you must complete at least one of the following courses:

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8] 
VMware vSAN: Install, Configure, Manage [V8] 

You should also have understanding or knowledge of these technologies:

Good understanding of storage concepts
Good understanding of network concepts

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Learn vSAN best practices for planning and availability
Outline vSAN networking best practices
Describe Skyline Advisor™ Pro
Learn about vSAN Skyline™ Health
Discuss vSAN monitoring and troubleshooting tools integrated within vSphere
Outline the common vSAN troubleshooting commands
Understand how to benchmark vSAN performance
Identify factors which may impact vSAN performance
Outline vSAN troubleshooting framework
List the most common vSAN issues
Learn how to troubleshoot vSAN common issues
Discuss how to get further support from the VMware community and knowledge base articles
Learn how to effectively contact VMware technical support
Enhance and test vSAN troubleshooting skills through labs

VMware NSX-T Data Center

NSXTICM3 - VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage [V3.0]

NSXTTO32 - VMware NSX-T Data Center: Troubleshooting and Operations v3.2

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXTTO32

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day, hands-on training course provides the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in operating and troubleshooting the VMware NSX-T  Data Center environment. In this course, you are introduced to workflows of various networking and security constructs along with several operational and troubleshooting tools that help you manage and troubleshoot your NSX-T Data Center environment.

In addition, you are presented with various types of technical problems, which you will identify, analyze, and solve through a systematic process.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2

Course Content

Course Introduction
Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

NSX-T Data Center Operations and Tools

Explain and validate the native troubleshooting tools (dashboards, Traceflow, live traffic analysis, port mirroring) for the NSX-T Data Center environment
Configure syslog, IPFIX, and log collections for the NSX-T Data Center environment
Integrate NSX-T Data Center with vRealize Log Insight and vRealize Network Insight
Validate and review the API methods available to configure the NSX-T Data Center environment

Troubleshooting the NSX Management Cluster

Describe the NSX Management cluster architecture, components, and communication channels
Identify the workflows involved in configuring the NSX Management cluster
Validate and troubleshoot the NSX Management cluster formation

Troubleshooting Infrastructure Preparation

Describe the data plane architecture, components, and communication channels
Explain and troubleshoot VMware ESXi™ transport node preparation issues
Explain and troubleshoot KVM transport node preparation issues
Explain and troubleshoot VMware NSX® Edge™ transport node preparation issue

Troubleshooting Logical Switching

Describe the architecture of logical switching
List the modules and processes involved in configuring logical switching
Explain the importance of N-VDS and VDS in transport nodes
Describe the procedure to migrate from N-VDS to VDS
Review the architecture and workflows involved in attaching workloads to segments
Identify and troubleshoot common logical switching issues

Troubleshooting Logical Routing

Review the architecture of logical routing and NSX Edge nodes
Explain the workflows involved in the configuration of Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways
Explain the high availability modes and validate logical router placements
Identify and troubleshoot common logical routing issues using both BGP and OSPF

Troubleshooting Security

Review the architecture of the Distributed Firewall
Explain the workflows involved in configuring the Distributed Firewall
Review the architecture of the Gateway Firewall
Explain the workflows involved in configuring the Gateway Firewall
Identify and troubleshoot common distributed firewall and Gateway Firewall issues

Troubleshooting the NSX Advanced Load Balancer and VPN Services

Review the NSX Advanced Load Balancer architecture and components
Identify and troubleshoot common NSX Advanced Load Balancer issues
Review of IPsec and L2 VPN architecture and components
Identify and troubleshoot common IPsec and L2 VPN issues

Datapath Walkthrough

Verify and validate the path of the packet on the NSX datapath (East-West and South-North)
Identify and perform packet captures at various points in the datapath
Use NSX CLI and native hypervisor commands to retrieve configurations involved in the NSX datapath

Who should attend
Experienced system administrators and network administrators
Network and security professionals who work with enterprise and data center networks
Before taking this course, you must complete the following course:

VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage V3.2 

You should also have understanding or knowledge of these technologies:

Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking and security, including:
Switching and routing technologies (L2-L3)
Network and application delivery services (L4-L7)
Firewalling (L4-L7)
VMware vSphere environments

The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization certification is recommended.

Course Outline

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Use the native tools available in NSX-T Data Center to identify and troubleshoot the problems related to the NSX-T Data Center environment
Use VMware vRealize Log Insight and VMware vRealize Network Insight to identify and troubleshoot the problems related to the NSX-T Data Center environment
Explain the NSX-T Data Center infrastructure components and the communications between them
Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot problems related to the management, control, and data planes in NSX-T Data Center
Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot problems related to infrastructure preparation in NSX-T Data Center
Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot problems related to logical switching and logical routing in NSX-T Data Center
Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot network security problems related to the NSX-T Data Center Distributed and Gateway firewalls
Identify, analyze, and troubleshoot problems related to VPN and the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Identify the components and packet flows involved in the NSX-T Data Center datapath and troubleshoot related problems

NSXTVS - VMware NSX-T Data Center: Migration from NSX Data Center for vSphere

Длительность: 3 дня (24 часа)
Код курса: NSXTVS 

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This thee-day, hands-on training course provides you with the skills, techniques, and tools required to successfully migrate your current VMware NSX® Data Center for vSphere® environment to VMware NSX-T™ Data Center.

In this course, you learn to choose between different migration approaches and to perform the type of migration that best suits your current environment. In addition, you are presented with common migration problems and resolutions.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x

Who should attend

Experienced system administrators and network administrators
Network and security professionals who work with enterprise and data center networks


Before taking this course, you should have completed the VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage [V3.2] (NSXTICM32) course.

You should also have the following understanding or knowledge:

Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking, including:
Switching and routing technologies (L2-L3)
Network and application delivery services (L4-L7)
Knowledge of and working experience with VMware vSphere® environments

The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (2020) certification is recommended.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Contrast the NSX-T Data Center architecture with the architecture of NSX Data Center for vSphere
Understand the networking and security features of NSX-T Data Center
Compare In-Place and Lift and Shift migration approaches
Describe the networking topologies supported by the Migration Coordinator
Perform In-Place migrations using the Migration Coordinator
Troubleshoot In-Place migrations
Describe Lift and Shift migration tools and techniques
Troubleshoot Lift and Shift migrations

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

Introduction to NSX-T Data Center

Describe the motivation for migrating to NSX-T Data Center
Contrast the NSX-T Data Center architecture with the architecture of NSX Data Center for vSphere.
Describe the logical switching components in NSX-T Data Center
Describe the components and functions of NSX-T Data Center logical routing
Describe the security features of NSX-T Data Center
Explain the implementation of networking services in NSX-T Data Center

Migration Techniques

Describe In-Place migration
Describe Lift and Shift migration
Compare migration approaches
Determine the best migration strategy based on requirements

In-Place Migration Topologies

Identify the NSX Data Center for vSphere topologies supported by the Migration Coordinator
Explain how network and security objects are translated from NSX Data Center for vSphere to NSX-T Data Center

In-Place Migration Using the Migration Coordinator

Describe prerequisites for In-Place migration
Prepare the NSX Data Center for vSphere environment for migration with the Migration Coordinator
Migrate the NSX Data Center for vSphere environment with the Migration Coordinator
Perform post-migration tasks
Describe the vSphere Networking Migration feature

Troubleshooting In-Place Migration

Troubleshoot issues based on the In-Place migration workflow
Identify log files used in troubleshooting In-Place migration
Identify and resolve common issues related to the Migration Coordinator

Lift and Shift Migration Approaches

Describe prerequisites for Lift and Shift migrations
Perform Lift and Shift migrations using L2 bridging
Perform Lift and Shift migrations using VMware HCX
Compare migration using L2 Bridging and VMware HCX®

Troubleshooting Lift and Shift Migration

Troubleshoot Lift and Shift migration problems
Identify log files used in troubleshooting Lift and Shift migrations
Identify and resolve common issues related to Lift and Shift migrations.

NSXTWN32 - VMware NSX-T Data Center: What’s New v3.2

Длительность: 3 дня (24 часа)
Код курса: NSXTWN32 

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

In this three-day, hands-on training course, you explore the new features and enhancements in VMware NSX-T™ Data Center 3.2. You will be introduced to all new security features in NSX-T Data Center 3.2, including the NSX Application Platform, NSX Malware Prevention, NSX Intrusion Detection and Prevention, URL Filtering, VMware NSX® Intelligence™, and VMware NSX® Network Detection and Response™.

This course also discusses the architectural and operational changes introduced in 3.2 and discusses the enhancements to OSPF, VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™, and NSX Federation.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2

Who should attend

Network and security administrators, IT managers, VMware partners, and individuals responsible for implementing and managing the NSX-T Data Center deployments


This course requires completion of the VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage course or equivalent knowledge and administration experience with NSX-T Data Center 3.0 or above.

Solid understanding of the concepts presented in the Kubernetes Fundamentals course is also required.

The following knowledge is also beneficial:

Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking, including switching and routing technologies (L2-L3) and L2-L7 firewall
Knowledge and working experience of VMware vSphere® environments
Knowledge and working experience with Kubernetes or vSphere with Tanzu environments.
The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (2021) certification is recommended.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe the architectural and operations enhancements in NSX-T Data Center 3.2
Configure OSPF in the NSX-T Data Center 3.2
Describe the NSX security architecture and features of NSX-T Data Center 3.2
Configure Distributed Firewall on VDS Security Only Use Case
Configure URL Filtering and Identity Firewall on NSX Edges
Configure NSX Intrusion Detection and Prevention for east-west traffic
Deploy the NSX Application Platform
Configure NSX Malware Prevention for east-west and north-south traffic
Analyze the networking secure posture and threats with NSX Intelligence and NSX Network Detection and Response
Deploy the NSX Advanced Load Balancer components
Describe the NSX Federation Enhancements in NSX-T Data Center 3.2

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

NSX Architecture and Operations

Review key components of the NSX-T Data Center architecture
Explain the Management Plane to Policy Promotion tool
Compare Live Traffic Analysis with traditional network traffic analysis methods
Identify how Fabric View helps visualize the underlying network fabric of a topology
Recognize improvements in historical trending for network and system monitoring
Explain how the fabric MTU health check can be used to identify an MTU mismatch

OSPF Routing Protocol

Explain the core concepts of OSPF routing
Define the OSPF use cases in NSX-T Data Center
Explain the Tier-0 gateway topologies with OSPF
Configure OSPF in NSX-T Data Center

NSX Security Architecture

Describe the NSX security architecture and main components
Identify the use cases for NSX Distributed Security
Identify the use cases for NSX Gateway Security
Describe NSX Network Detection and Response

Distributed Firewall on VDS Security Only Use Case

Identify the distributed firewall on VDS requirements
Configure the distributed firewall on VDS
Validate the distributed firewall on VDS configurations

Gateway Security

Identify use cases for URL filtering
Describe the URL filtering architecture
Configure URL filtering
Describe the uses cases, architecture, and components of Identity Firewall
Configure Identity Firewall for north-south traffic

Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Describe the MITRE ATT&CK framework
Explain the phases of a cyberattack
Describe features and methods used by intrusion detection and prevention systems
Identify VMware NSX® Distributed IDS/IPS™ use cases
Describe the NSX Distributed IDS/IPS terminology and architecture
Configure NSX Distributed IDS/IPS

NSX Application Platform

Describe NSX Application Platform and its use cases
Define the core concepts of vSphere with Tanzu
Deploy NSX Application Platform on vSphere with Tanzu
Explain the NSX Application Platform architecture and services
Scale out and scale up NSX Application Platform

Malware Prevention

Describe techniques used in malware prevention
Identify use cases for NSX Malware Prevention
Identify the components in the NSX Malware Prevention architecture
Describe the NSX Malware Prevention packet flows for known and unknown files
Configure NSX Malware Prevention for east-west and north-south traffic

NSX Intelligence and NSX Network Detection and Response

Describe the NSX Intelligence architecture and core components
Install NSX Intelligence
Describe NSX Intelligence visualization, recommendation, and Suspicious Traffic Detection enhancements
Describe NSX Network Detection and Response architecture and its use cases
Activate NSX Network Detection and Response
Describe the visualization capabilities of NSX Network Detection and Response

NSX Advanced Load Balancer

Describe NSX Advanced Load Balancer and its use cases
Explain the NSX Advanced Load Balancer architecture
Deploy NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Explain the NSX Advanced Load Balancer components and how they manage traffic
Configure virtual IP addresses, virtual services, and server pools
Perform basic troubleshooting of virtual services, server pools, and service engines

NSX Federation Enhancements

Recognize NSX Federation use cases
Describe the main components of the NSX Federation architecture
Explain LDAP support for the Global Manager
Explain the purpose of firewall drafts on the NSX Global Manager
Explain NSX Federation support for tag-based replication
Describe ways to monitor NSX Federation components

NSXTD32 - VMware NSX-T Data Center: Design v3.2

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXTD32

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day course provides comprehensive training on considerations and practices to design a VMware NSX-T™ Data Center environment as part of a software-defined data center strategy. This course prepares the student with the skills to lead the design of NSX-T Data Center offered in release 3.2, including design principles, processes, and frameworks. The student gains a deeper understanding of the NSX-T Data Center architecture and how it can be used to create solutions to address the customer’s business needs.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2

Who should attend

Network and security architects and consultants who design the enterprise and data center networks and VMware NSX® environments


This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Professional ‒ Network Virtualization 2023
VMware Certified Advanced Professional ‒ Network Virtualization Design 2023


Before taking this course, you must complete the following course:

VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage V3.2

You should also have the understanding or knowledge of these technologies:

Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking and security, including:
Switching and routing technologies (L2-L3)
Network and application delivery services (L4-L7)
Firewalling (L4-L7)
vSphere environments

The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization certification is recommended.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe and apply a design framework
Apply a design process for gathering requirements, constraints, assumptions, and risks
Design a VMware vSphere® virtual data center to support NSX-T Data Center requirements
Create a VMware NSX® Manager™ cluster design
Create a VMware NSX® Edge™ cluster design to support traffic and service requirements in NSX-T Data Center
Design logical switching and routing
Recognize NSX-T Data Center security best practices
Design logical network services
Design a physical network to support network virtualization in a software-defined data center
Create a design to support the NSX-T Data Center infrastructure across multiple sites
Describe the factors that drive performance in NSX-T Data Center

Course Content

Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

NSX Design Concepts

Identify design terms
Describe framework and project methodology
Describe VMware Validated Design™
Identify customers’ requirements, assumptions, constraints, and risks
Explain the conceptual design
Explain the logical design
Explain the physical design

NSX Architecture and Components

Recognize the main elements in the NSX-T Data Center architecture
Describe the NSX management cluster and the management plane
Identify the functions and components of management, control, and data planes
Describe the NSX Manager sizing options
Recognize the justification and implication of NSX manager cluster design decisions
Identify the NSX management cluster design options

NSX Edge Design

Explain the leading practices for edge design
Describe the NSX Edge VM reference designs
Describe the bare-metal NSX Edge reference designs
Explain the leading practices for edge cluster design
Explain the effect of stateful services placement
Explain the growth patterns for edge clusters
Identify design considerations when using L2 bridging services

NSX Logical Switching Design

Describe concepts and terminology in logical switching
Identify segment and transport zone design considerations
Identify virtual switch design considerations
Identify uplink profile, VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control profile, and transport node profile design considerations
Identify Geneve tunneling design considerations
Identify BUM replication mode design considerations

NSX Logical Routing Design

Explain the function and features of logical routing
Describe NSX-T Data Center single-tier and multitier routing architectures
Identify guidelines when selecting a routing topology
Describe the BGP and OSPF routing protocol configuration options
Explain gateway high availability modes of operation and failure detection mechanisms
Identify how multitier architectures provide control over stateful service location
Identify VRF Lite requirements and considerations
Identify the typical NSX scalable architectures

NSX Security Design

Identify different security features available in NSX-T Data Center
Describe the advantages of an NSX Distributed Firewall
Describe the use of NSX Gateway Firewall as a perimeter firewall and as an intertenant firewall
Determine a security policy methodology
Recognize the NSX-T Data Center security best practices

NSX Network Services

Identify the stateful services available in different edge cluster high availability modes
Describe failover detection mechanisms
Explain the design considerations for integrating VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™ with NSX-T Data Center
Describe stateful and stateless NSX-T Data Center NAT
Identify benefits of NSX-T Data Center DHCP
Identify benefits of metadata proxy
Describe IPSec VPN and L2 VPN

Physical Infrastructure Design

Identify the components of a switch fabric design
Assess Layer 2 and Layer 3 switch fabric design implications
Review guidelines when designing top-of-rack switches
Review options for connecting transport hosts to the switch fabric
Describe typical designs for VMware ESXi™ compute hypervisors with two pNICs
Describe typical designs for ESXi compute hypervisors with four or more pNICs
Describe a typical design for a KVM compute hypervisor with two pNICs
Differentiate dedicated and collapsed cluster approaches to SDDC design

NSX Multilocation Design

Explain scale considerations in an NSX-T Data Center multisite design
Describe the main components of the NSX Federation architecture
Describe the stretched networking capability in Federation
Describe stretched security use cases in Federation
Compare Federation disaster recovery designs

NSX Optimization

Describe Geneve Offload
Describe the benefits of Receive Side Scaling and Geneve Rx Filters
Explain the benefits of SSL Offload
Describe the effect of Multi-TEP, MTU size, and NIC speed on throughput
Explain the available N-VDS enhanced datapath modes and use cases
List the key performance factors for compute nodes and NSX Edge nodes

NSXTD4 - VMware NSX: Design v4.x

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXTD4

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day course provides comprehensive training on considerations and practices to design a VMware NSX® environment as part of a software-defined data center strategy. This course prepares the student with the skills to lead the design of an NSX environment, including design principles, processes, and frameworks. The student gains a deeper understanding of the NSX architecture and how it can be used to create solutions to address the customer’s business needs.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX 4.1.0

Who should attend

Network and security architects and consultants who design the enterprise and data center networks and NSX environments


Before taking this course, you must complete the following course:

VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage [V4.0] (NSXICM4)
You should also have understanding or knowledge of these technologies:

Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking and security, including:
Switching and routing technologies (L2 and L3)
Network and application delivery services (L4 through L7)
Firewalling (L4 through L7)
vSphere environments
The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization certification is recommended.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe and apply a design framework
Apply a design process for gathering requirements, constraints, assumptions, and risks
Design a VMware vSphere® virtual data center to support NSX requirements
Create a VMware NSX® Manager™ cluster design
Create a VMware NSX® Edge™ cluster design to support traffic and service requirements in NSX
Design logical switching and routing
Recognize NSX security best practices
Design logical network services
Design a physical network to support network virtualization in a software-defined data center
Create a design to support the NSX infrastructure across multiple sites
Describe the factors that drive performance in NSX

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives
NSX Design Concepts

Identify design terms
Describe framework and project methodology
Describe the role of VMware Cloud Foundation™ in NSX design
Identify customers’ requirements, assumptions, constraints, and risks
Explain the conceptual design
Explain the logical design
Explain the physical design
NSX Architecture and Components

Recognize the main elements in the NSX architecture
Describe the NSX management cluster and the management plane
Identify the functions and components of management, control, and data planes
Describe the NSX Manager sizing options
Recognize the justification and implication of NSX Manager cluster design decisions
Identify the NSX management cluster design options
NSX Edge Design

Explain the leading practices for edge design
Describe the NSX Edge VM reference designs
Describe the bare-metal NSX Edge reference designs
Explain the leading practices for edge cluster design
Explain the effect of stateful services placement
Explain the growth patterns for edge clusters
Identify design considerations when using L2 bridging services

NSX Logical Switching Design

Describe concepts and terminology in logical switching
Identify segment and transport zone design considerations
Identify virtual switch design considerations
Identify uplink profile and transport node profile design considerations
Identify Geneve tunneling design considerations
Identify BUM replication mode design considerations

NSX Logical Routing Design

Explain the function and features of logical routing
Describe the NSX single-tier and multitier routing architectures
Identify guidelines when selecting a routing topology
Describe the BGP and OSPF routing protocol configuration options
Explain gateway high availability modes of operation and failure detection mechanisms
Identify how multitier architectures provide control over stateful service location
Identify EVPN requirements and design considerations
Identify VRF Lite requirements and considerations
Identify the typical NSX scalable architectures

NSX Security Design

Identify different security features available in NSX
Describe the advantages of an NSX Distributed Firewall
Describe the use of NSX Gateway Firewall as a perimeter firewall and as an intertenant firewall
Determine a security policy methodology
Recognize the NSX security best practices

NSX Network Services

Identify the stateful services available in different edge cluster high availability modes
Describe failover detection mechanisms
Compare NSX NAT solutions
Explain how to select DHCP and DNS services
Compare policy-based and route-based IPSec VPN
Describe an L2 VPN topology that can be used to interconnect data centers
Explain the design considerations for integrating VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™ with NSX

Physical Infrastructure Design

Identify the components of a switch fabric design
Assess Layer 2 and Layer 3 switch fabric design implications
Review guidelines when designing top-of-rack switches
Review options for connecting transport hosts to the switch fabric
Describe typical designs for VMware ESXi™ compute hypervisors with two pNICs
Describe typical designs for ESXi compute hypervisors with four or more pNICs
Differentiate dedicated and collapsed cluster approaches to SDDC design

NSX Multilocation Design

Explain scale considerations in an NSX multisite design
Describe the main components of the NSX Federation architecture
Describe the stretched networking capability in Federation
Describe stretched security use cases in Federation
Compare the Federation disaster recovery designs

NSX Optimization and DPU-Based Acceleration

Describe Geneve Offload
Describe the benefits of Receive Side Scaling and Geneve Rx Filters
Explain the benefits of SSL Offload
Describe the effect of Multi-TEP, MTU size, and NIC speed on throughput
Explain the available enhanced datapath modes and use cases
List the key performance factors for compute nodes and NSX Edge nodes
Describe DPU-Based Acceleration
Define the NSX features supported by DPUs
Describe the hardware and networking configurations supported with DPUs

NSXTIS32 - VMware NSX-T Data Center for Intrinsic Security v3.2

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXTIS32

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in configuring, operating, and troubleshooting VMware NSX-T™ Data Center for intrinsic security. In this course, you are introduced to all the security features in NSX-T Data Center, including Distributed Firewall and Gateway Firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS), NSX Application Platform, NSX Malware Prevention, VMware NSX® Intelligence™, and VMware NSX® Network Detection and Response™.

In addition, you are presented with common configuration issues and given a methodology to resolve them.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.x

Who should attend

Experienced security administrators


This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Professional ‒ Network Virtualization 2023


You should also have the following understanding or knowledge:

Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of network security, including:
L2 through L7 firewalling
Intrusion detection and prevention systems
Malware prevention systems
Knowledge of and working experience with VMware vSphere® environments and KVM-based environments
The VMware Certified Technical Associate — Network Virtualization is recommended.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Define information-security-related concepts
Explain the different types of firewalls and their use cases
Describe the operation of intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems
Differentiate between Malware Prevention approaches
Describe the VMware intrinsic security portfolio
Implement Zero-Trust Security using VMware NSX® segmentation
Configure user and role management
Configure and troubleshoot Distributed Firewall, Identity Firewall, and time-based policies
Configure and troubleshoot Gateway Security
Use VMware vRealize® Log Insight™ for NSX™ and VMware vRealize® Network Insight™ to operate NSX firewalls
Explain the security best practices related to grouping, tagging, and rule configuration
Describe north-south and east-west service insertion
Describe endpoint protection
Configure and troubleshoot IDS/IPS
Deploy NSX Application Platform
Configure and troubleshoot NSX Malware Prevention
Describe the capabilities of NSX Intelligence and NSX Network Detection and Response

Course Outline

Course Introduction
Security Basics
VMware Intrinsic Security
Implementing Zero-Trust Security
User and Role Management
Distributed Firewall
Gateway Security
Operating Internal Firewalls
Network Introspection
Endpoint Protection
Intrusion Detection and Prevention
NSX Application Platform
NSX Malware Prevention
NSX Intelligence and NSX Network Detection and Response

NSXTIS4 - VMware NSX for Intrinsic Security v4.x

Длительность: 4 дня (32 часа)
Код курса: NSXTIS4

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in configuring, operating, and troubleshooting VMware NSX® for intrinsic security. This course introduces all the security features in NSX, including Distributed Firewall and Gateway Firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS), NSX Application Platform, NSX Malware Prevention, VMware NSX® Intelligence™, and VMware NSX® NDR™. In addition, this course presents common configuration issues and gives a methodology to resolve them.

This course is also available in an On Demand format. For more information, select this link: VMware NSX for Intrinsic Security [V4.x] — On Demand.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX 4.1.0

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
Define the concepts related to information security
Explain the different types of firewalls and their use cases
Describe the operation of intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems
Differentiate between Malware Prevention approaches
Describe the VMware intrinsic security portfolio
Use NSX segmentation to implement Zero-Trust Security
Configure user and role management
Configure and troubleshoot Distributed Firewall, Identity Firewall, and time-based policies
Configure and troubleshoot Gateway Security
Use VMware Aria Operations™ for Logs and VMware Aria Operations™ for Networks to operate NSX firewalls
Explain the security best practices related to grouping, tagging, and rule configuration
Describe north-south and east-west service insertion
Describe endpoint protection
Configure and troubleshoot IDS/IPS
Deploy NSX Application Platform
Configure and troubleshoot NSX Malware Prevention
Describe the capabilities of NSX Intelligence and NSX NDR

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

Security Basics

Define the concepts related to information security
Explain the different types of firewalls and their use cases
Describe the operation of IDS/IPS
Differentiate between Malware Prevention approaches

VMware Intrinsic Security

Define the VMware intrinsic security strategy
Describe the VMware intrinsic security portfolio
Explain how NSX aligns with the intrinsic security strategy

Implementing Zero-Trust Security

Define Zero-Trust Security
Describe the five pillars of a Zero-Trust architecture
Define NSX segmentation and its use cases
Describe the steps needed to enforce Zero-Trust with NSX segmentation

User and Role Management

Integrate NSX and VMware Identity Manager™
Integrate NSX and LDAP
Describe the native users and roles in NSX
Create and assign custom user roles
Explain object-based RBAC in a multitenancy environment

Distributed Firewall

Configure Distributed Firewall rules and policies
Describe the NSX Distributed Firewall architecture
Troubleshoot common problems related to NSX Distributed Firewall
Configure time-based policies
Configure Identity Firewall rules
Configure the distributed firewall to block malicious IPs
Gateway Security

Configure Gateway Firewall rules and policies
Describe the architecture of the Gateway Firewall
Identify and troubleshoot common Gateway Firewall issues
Configure TLS Inspection to decrypt traffic for both internal and external services
Configure URL filtering and identify common configuration issue

Operating Internal Firewalls

Use VMware Aria Operations for Logs and VMware Aria Operations for Networks to operate NSX firewalls
Explain security best practices related to grouping, tagging, and rule configuration

Network Introspection

Explain network introspection
Describe the architecture and workflows of north-south and east-west service insertion
Troubleshoot north-south and east-west service insertion

Endpoint Protection

Explain endpoint protection
Describe the architecture and workflows of endpoint protection
Troubleshoot endpoint protection

Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Describe the MITRE ATT&CK framework
Explain the different phases of a cyber attack
Describe how NSX security solutions can be used to protect against cyber attacks
Configure and troubleshoot Distributed IDS/IPS
Configure and troubleshoot North-South IDS/IPS

NSX Application Platform

Describe NSX Application Platform and its use cases
Identify the topologies supported for the deployment of NSX Application Platform
Deploy NSX Application Platform
Explain the NSX Application Platform architecture and services
Validate the NSX Application Platform deployment and troubleshoot common issues

NSX Malware Prevention

Identify use cases for NSX Malware Prevention
Identify the components in the NSX Malware Prevention architecture
Describe the NSX Malware Prevention packet flows for known and unknown files
Configure NSX Malware Prevention for east-west and north-south traffic

NSX Intelligence and NSX NDR

Describe NSX Intelligence and its use cases
Explain NSX Intelligence visualization, recommendation, and network traffic analysis capabilities
Describe NSX NDR and its use cases
Explain the architecture of NSX NDR in NSX
Describe the visualization capabilities of NSX NDR

NSXICM4 - VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage v4.x

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXICM4

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX® environment. This course covers key features and functionality offered in the NSX and NSX 4.0.1 releases, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical routing, networking and security services, firewalls and advanced threat prevention, and more.

Product Alignment

NSX 4.0.1

Who should attend

Experienced security administrators or network administrators


This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Professional ‒ Network Virtualization 2023


Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking, including switching and routing technologies (L2 through L3) and L2 through L7 firewall
Knowledge and working experience with VMware vSphere® environments
Knowledge and working experience with Kubernetes or VMware vSphere® with VMware Tanzu® environments

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe the architecture and main components of NSX
Explain the features and benefits of NSX
Deploy the NSX Management cluster and VMware NSX® Edge™ nodes
Prepare VMware ESXi™ hosts to participate in NSX networking
Create and configure segments for layer 2 forwarding
Create and configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways for logical routing
Use distributed and gateway firewall policies to filter east-west and north-south traffic in NSX
Configure Advanced Threat Prevention features
Configure network services on NSX Edge nodes
Use VMware Identity Manager™ and LDAP to manage users and access
Explain the use cases, importance, and architecture of Federation

Course Content

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

VMware Virtual Cloud Network and VMware NSX

Introduce the VMware Virtual Cloud Network vision
Describe the NSX product portfolio
Discuss NSX features, use cases, and benefits
Explain NSX architecture and components
Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and their functions.

Preparing the NSX Infrastructure

Deploy VMware NSX® ManagerTM nodes on ESXi hypervisors
Navigate through the NSX UI
Explain data plane components such as N-VDS/VDS, transport nodes, transport zones, profiles, and more
Perform transport node preparation and configure the data plane infrastructure
Verify transport node status and connectivity
Explain DPU-based acceleration in NSX
Install NSX using DPUs

NSX Logical Switching

Introduce key components and terminology in logical switching
Describe the function and types of L2 segments
Explain tunneling and the Geneve encapsulation
Configure logical segments and attach hosts using NSX UI
Describe the function and types of segment profiles
Create segment profiles and apply them to segments and ports
Explain the function of MAC, ARP, and TEP tables used in packet forwarding
Demonstrate L2 unicast packet flow
Explain ARP suppression and BUM traffic handling

NSX Logical Routing

Describe the logical routing function and use cases
Introduce the two-tier routing architecture, topologies, and components
Explain the Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateway functions
Describe the logical router components: Service Router and Distributed Router
Discuss the architecture and function of NSX Edge nodes
Discuss deployment options of NSX Edge nodes
Configure NSX Edge nodes and create NSX Edge clusters
Configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways
Examine single-tier and multitier packet flows
Configure static routing and dynamic routing, including BGP and OSPF
Enable ECMP on a Tier-0 gateway
Describe NSX Edge HA, failure detection, and failback modes
Configure VRF Lite

NSX Bridging

Describe the function of logical bridging
Discuss the logical bridging use cases
Compare routing and bridging solutions
Explain the components of logical bridging
Create bridge clusters and bridge profiles

NSX Firewalls

Describe NSX segmentation
Identify the steps to enforce Zero-Trust with NSX segmentation
Describe the Distributed Firewall architecture, components, and function
Configure Distributed Firewall sections and rules
Configure the Distributed Firewall on VDS
Describe the Gateway Firewall architecture, components, and function
Configure Gateway Firewall sections and rules

NSX Advanced Threat Prevention

Explain NSX IDS/IPS and its use cases
Configure NSX IDS/IPS
Deploy NSX Application Platform
Identify the components and architecture of NSX Malware Prevention
Configure NSX Malware Prevention for east-west and north-south traffic
Describe the use cases and architecture of VMware NSX® Intelligence™
Identify the components and architecture of VMware NSX® Network Detection and Response™
Use NSX Network Detection and Response to analyze network traffic events.

NSX Services

Explain and configure Network Address Translation (NAT)
Explain and configure DNS and DHCP services
Describe VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™ architecture, components, topologies, and use cases.
Configure NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Discuss the IPSec VPN and L2 VPN function and use cases
Configure IPSec VPN and L2 VPN using the NSX UI

NSX User and Role Management

Describe the function and benefits of VMware Identity Manager™ in NSX
Integrate VMware Identity Manager with NSX
Integrate LDAP with NSX
Identify the various types of users, authentication policies, and permissions
Use role-based access control to restrict user access
Explain object-based access control in NSX

NSX Federation

Introduce the NSX Federation key concepts, terminology, and use cases.
Explain the onboarding process of NSX Federation
Describe the NSX Federation switching and routing functions.
Describe the NSX Federation security concepts.

NSXTMDF - VMware NSX-T Data Center: Multisite Deployments with Federation

Длительность: 4 дня (32 часа)
Код курса: SSFSNORT

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

The Securing Cisco Networks with Open Source Snort (SSFSNORT) v2.1 course shows you how to deploy a network intrusion detection system based on Snort. Through a combination of expert instruction and hands-on practice, you will learn how to install, configure, operate, and manage a Snort system, rules writing with an overview of basic options, advanced rules writing, how to configure Pulled Pork, and how to use OpenAppID to provide protection of your network from malware. You will learn techniques of tuning and performance monitoring, traffic flow through Snort rules, and more.

This course will help you:

Learn how to implement Snort, an open-source, rule-based, intrusion detection and prevention system
Gain leading-edge skills for high-demand responsibilities focused on security

Who should attend

This course is for technical professionals who need to know how to deploy open source intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and how to write Snort rules.

Security administrators
Security consultants
Network administrators
System engineers
Technical support personnel
Channel partners and resellers


To fully benefit from this course, you should have:

Technical understanding of TCP/IP networking and network architecture
Proficiency with Linux and UNIX text editing tools (vi editor is suggested by not required)

Course Objectives

After taking this course, you should be able to:

Describe Snort technology and identify resources available for maintaining a Snort deployment
Install Snort on a Linux-based operating system
Describe the Snort operation modes and their command-line options
Describe the Snort intrusion detection output options
Download and deploy a new rule set to Snort
Describe and configure the snort.conf file
Configure Snort for inline operation and configure the inline-only features
Describe the Snort basic rule syntax and usage
Describe how traffic is processed by the Snort engine
Describe several advanced rule options used by Snort
Describe OpenAppID features and functionality
Describe how to monitor Snort performance and how to tune rules
Course Benefits

Course Outline:

Securing Cisco Networks with Open Source Snort (SSFSNORT)
Introduction to Snort Technology
Snort Installation
Snort Operation
Snort Intrusion Detection Output
Rule Management
Snort Configuration
Inline Operation and Configuration
Snort Rule Syntax and Usage
Traffic Flow Through Snort Rules
Advanced Rule Options
OpenAppID Detection
Tuning Snort

Lab Outline

Connecting to the Lab Environment
Snort Installation
Snort Operation
Snort Intrusion Detection Output
Pulled Pork Installation
Configuring Variables
Reviewing Preprocessor Configurations
Inline Operations
Basic Rule Syntax and Usage
Advanced Rule Options
Tuning Snort

NSXTICM32 - VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage v3.2

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXTICM32

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX-TTM Data Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center features and functionality offered in the NSX-T Data Center 3.2 release, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical routing, networking and security services, firewalls and advanced threat prevention, and more.

Product Alignment

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2

Who should attend

Experienced security administrators or network administrators


Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
Knowledge and working experience of computer networking, including switching and routing technologies (L2-L3) and L2-L7 firewall
Knowledge and working experience with VMware vSphere® environments
Knowledge and working experience with Kubernetes or vSphere with VMware Tanzu™ environments

Solid understanding of concepts presented in the following courses:

VMware Virtual Cloud Network: Core Technical Skills
VMware Data Center Virtualization: Core Technical Skills
Kubernetes Fundamentals

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe the architecture and main components of NSX-T Data Center
Explain the features and benefits of NSX-T Data Center
Deploy the NSX Management cluster and VMware NSX® Edge™ nodes
Prepare VMware ESXi™ and KVM hosts to participate in NSX-T Data Center networking
Create and configure segments for layer 2 forwarding
Create and configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways for logical routing
Use distributed and gateway firewall policies to filter east-west and north-south traffic in NSX-T Data Center
Configure Advanced Threat Prevention features
Configure network services on NSX Edge nodes
Use VMware Identity Manager and LDAP to manage users and access
Explain the use cases, importance, and architecture of Federation

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

VMware Virtual Cloud Network and NSX-T Data Center

Introduce the VMware Virtual Cloud Network vision
Discuss NSX-T Data Center solutions, use cases, and benefits
Explain NSX-T Data Center architecture and components
Describe the VMware NSXTM product portfolio and features
Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and function

Preparing the NSX-T Data Center Infrastructure

Describe NSX Management Cluster
Deploy VMware NSXTM ManagerTM nodes on VMware ESXi and KVM hypervisors
Navigate through the NSX Manager UI
Explain data-plane components such as N-VDS/VDS, transport nodes, transport zones, profiles, and more
Perform transport node preparation and establish the data center infrastructure
Verify transport node status and connectivity

NSX-T Data Center Logical Switching

Introduce key components and terminology in logical switching
Describe the function and types of L2 segments
Explain tunneling and the GENEVE encapsulation
Configure logical segments and attach hosts using NSX Manager UI
Describe the function and types of segment profiles
Create segment profiles and apply them to segments and ports
Explain the function of MAC, ARP, and TEP tables used in packet forwarding
Demonstrate L2 unicast packet flow
Explain ARP suppression and BUM traffic handling

NSX-T Data Center Logical Routing

Describe the logical routing function and use cases
Introduce the two-tier routing architecture, topologies, and components
Explain the Tier-0 and Tier-1 Gateway functions
Describe the logical router components: Service Router and Distributed Router
Discuss the architecture and function of NSX Edge nodes
Discuss deployment options of NSX Edge nodes
Configure NSX Edge nodes and create NSX Edge clusters
Configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 Gateways
Examine the single-tier and multitier packet flow
Configure static routing and dynamic routing, including BGP and OSPF
Enable ECMP on Tier-0 Gateway
Describe NSX Edge HA, failure detection, and failback modes
Configure VRF Lite

NSX-T Data Center Bridging

Describe the function of logical bridging
Discuss the logical bridging use cases
Compare routing and bridging solutions
Explain the components of logical bridging
Create bridge clusters and bridge profiles

NSX-T Data Center Firewalls

Describe NSX segmentation
Identify the steps to enforce Zero-Trust with NSX segmentation
Describe the Distributed Firewall architecture, components, and function
Configure Distributed Firewall sections and rules
Configure the Distributed Firewall on VDS
Describe the Gateway Firewall architecture, components, and function
Configure Gateway Firewall sections and rules

NSX-T Data Center Advanced Threat Prevention

Explain NSX IDS/IPS and its use cases
Configure NSX IDS/IPS
Deploy the NSX Application Platform
Identify the components and architecture of NSX Malware Prevention
Configure NSX Malware Prevention for east-west and north-south traffic
Describe the use cases and architecture of NSX Intelligence
Identify the components and architecture of VMware NSX® Network Detection and Response™
Use NSX Network Detection and Response to analyze network traffic events.

NSX-T Data Center Services

Describe NSX-T Data Center services
Explain and configure Network Address Translation (NAT)
Explain and configure DNS and DHCP services
Describe VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™ architecture, components, topologies, and use cases.
Configure NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Discuss the IPSec VPN and L2 VPN function and use cases
Configure IPSec VPN and L2 VPN using the NSX Manager UI

NSX-T Data Center User and Role Management

Describe the function and benefits of VMware Identity Manager™ in NSX-T Data Center
Integrate VMware Identity Manager with NSX-T Data Center
Integrate LDAP with NSX-T Data Center
Identify the various types of users, authentication policies, and permissions
Use role-based access control to restrict user access

NSX-T Data Center Federation

Introduce the NSX-T Data Center Federation key concepts, terminology, and use-cases.
Explain the onboarding process of NSX-T Data Center Federation
Describe the NSX-T Data Center Federation switching and routing functions.
Describe the NSX-T Data Center Federation security concepts.

NSXTO - VMware NSX: Troubleshooting and Operations

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: NSXTO

Стоимость обучения.


Course Content

VMware NSX: Troubleshooting and Operations [V6.2] is a 5 day instructor led courses that prepares you to troubleshoot and operate a VMware NSX deployment by leaning how to isolate problems and identify resolutions through a systematic process. You will also gain an understanding on how VMware NSX integrates with VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™, VMware vRealize® Log Insight™, and other management tools.

Who should attend

Network professionals that work with enterprise networks and VMware vSphere®.


Understanding of concepts presented in the course or .
Passing of the VCP-NV certification is recommended

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Create and apply a troubleshooting methodology
Troubleshoot VMware NSX component issues
Troubleshoot physical networking issues
Troubleshoot logical networking issues
Troubleshoot security configuration issues
Troubleshoot VMware NSX® Edge™ services
Use vRealize Log Insight for centralized logging
Create a monitoring and operational plan for VMware NSX

Course Outline: 

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Troubleshooting Methodology

Develop a structured approach to troubleshooting
Understand troubleshooting in a network overlay

Troubleshooting the VMware NSX Infrastructure

Describe VMware NSX infrastructure components
Troubleshoot NSX Manager deployment and registration with VMware vCenter Server®
Troubleshoot network connectivity with NSX Manager and vCenter Server
Troubleshoot deployment and connectivity of the controller cluster
Troubleshoot user work agents

Troubleshooting Logical Switching

Describe the logical switching architecture
Troubleshoot logical switching

Troubleshooting Logical Routing

Describe the VMware NSX® for vSphere® logical routing architecture
Describe the administration of logical routing
Describe and troubleshoot DHCP replay for the distributed logical router
Troubleshoot logical routing
Monitor log files to discover logical routing failures

Troubleshooting Advanced NSX Edge Services

Troubleshoot NSX Edge high availability models
Troubleshoot NSX Edge routing
Troubleshoot DHCP services for the NSX Edge services gateway
Troubleshoot VPN services
Troubleshoot load balancing

Troubleshooting Security Services

Describe the components of the distributed firewall
Troubleshoot a distributed firewall
Troubleshoot the Service Composer
Monitor a distributed firewall
Troubleshoot an NSX Edge services gateway

Operationalizing VMware NSX

Use vRealize Operations with VMware NSX
Use vRealize Log Insight with VMware NSX
Describe the key components for operationalizing VMware NSX

VMware Site Recovery Manager

SRMICM82 - VMware Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure, Manage v 8.2

Длительность: 2 дня (16 часов)
Код курса: SRMICM82

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  ₸
Онлайн формат: ₸


Для кого преднозначен курс:
Курс ориентирован на опытных системных администраторов, архитекторов, системных инженеров и системных интеграторов, имеющих опыт работы с VMware vSphere и отвечающих за внедрение Site Recovery Manager.
Предварительные требования

Для того, чтобы максимально освоить программу, слушатель должен предварительно пройти один из перечисленных ниже курсов или обладать эквивалентными знаниями и опытом администрирования VMware ESXi™ и VMware vCenter Server™:

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.x]
VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V6.x]
VMware vSphere: What’s New [V5.5 to V6.x]
VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting Workshop [V6.x]

После прохождения обучения слушатели будут уметь:
Понимать компоненты архитектуры Site Recovery Manager
Внедрять и настраивать платформу Site Recovery Manager
Понимать стратегии восстановления инфраструктуры после сбоя
Настраивать inventory и resource mappings
Описывать опции репликации систем хранения данных, которые можно использовать в Site Recovery Manager
Описывать функционал VMware vSphere® Replication™
Описывать архитектуру VMware vSphere® Replication™
Настраивать репликацию с помощью Site Recovery Manager
Строить защищенные группы Site Recovery Manager
Строить, изменять, тестировать и удалять план восстановления
Выполнять плановую миграцию
Выполнять восстановление после сбоев с помощью Site Recovery Manager и vSphere Replication

Содержание курса:
Данный двухдневный тренинг дает опытным администраторам знания и навыки для того, что внедрить, настроить и управлять решением VMware Site Recovery Manager™ 8.2. В ходе практических занятий будет разобран процесс создания и тестирования плана восстановления с использованием Site Recovery Manager.

Программа курса:
Модуль 1. Введение
Содержание курса
Дополнительные ресурсы, которые могут помочь в обучении

Модуль 2. Обзор архитектуры
Обзор архитектуры Site Recovery Manager
Исследование опций восстановления
Интеграция Site Recovery Manager с VMware vSphere® ClientTM
Функции Site Recovery Manager
Политики системы хранения, опции интеграции
Как Site Recovery Manager поддерживает разные топологии аварийного восстановления
Анализ различных сценариев, где лучше всего использовать Site Recovery Manager
Как интегрировать VMware Site Recovery™ для VMware Cloud™ в AWS с Site Recovery Manager.

Модуль 3. Установка и настройка Site Recovery Manager
Требования для установки продукта и особенности установки
Преимущества платформы Site Recovery Manager
Исследование моделей внедрения
Внедрение Site Recovery Manager
Обзор пользовательского интерфейса
Анализ процесса регистрации Site Recovery Manager на VMware vCenter Server®
Особенности обновления Site Recovery Manager

Модуль 4. Настройка сопоставления инвентаризационных объектов
Типы объектов vSphere и порядок их сопоставления
Почему это важно
Процедура настройки

Модуль 5. Репликация на основе массива
Исследование роли Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)
Отношения между устройствами, группами
Настройка array pairs

Модуль 6. Репликация vSphere
Архитектура vSphere Replication
Функции vSphere Replication
Рекомендации и сценарии использования
Внедрение vSphere Replication
Развертывание и регистрация vSphere Replication сервера

Модуль 7. Репликация виртуальных машин
Настройка vSphere Replication для виртуальных машин
Datastore mapping
Планирование точек восстановления
Анализ протокола vSphere Replication disk transfer

Модуль 8. Построение групп защиты
Функционал групп защиты
Исследование различий между группами на основе массивов и группами на основе vSphere
Создание групп
Дополнительные настройки
Снятие защиты с виртуальной машины
Создание storage profile группы

Модуль 9. Построение планов восстановления
Концепции плана восстановления
Создание и изменение плана восстановления
Сетевое планирование
Как внедрить план восстановления

Модуль 10. Тестирование и запуск плана восстановления
Плановая миграция
Site Recovery Manager workflows
Интеграция Site Recovery Manager с другими технологиями vSphere
Тестирование и очистка плана восстановления
Выполнение плана восстановления
Выполнение плана восстановления в режиме плановой миграции или аварийного восстановления
Как восстановить центр обработки данных
Анализ шагов восстановления

Модуль 11. Мониторинг и поиск неполадок
Оповещения Site Recovery Manager
Отчеты Site Recovery Manager
Расширенные настройки Site Recovery Manager
Изменение уровней логирования
Местоположение ключевых логов

VMware vRealize Automation

VRAICM83 - VMware vRealize Automation: Install, Configure, Manage v8.3

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VRAICM83

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат: 752 000₸
Онлайн формат:  689 000₸


Курс преднозначен:
Опытным системным администраторам и системным интеграторам, ответственным за проектирование и внедрение vRealize Automation.
Предварительные требования

Предварительные требования:

VMware vSphere 7: Установка, конфигурирование, управление [V7] (VSICM7)
VMware vSphere 7: Ускоренный курс [V7] (VSFT7)

Слушатель должен уметь:
Использовать VMware vSphere® Client
Создавать и управлять объектами VMware vCenter Server® (data centers, clusters, hosts, virtual machines)
Создавать и настраивать стандартные и распределенные коммутаторы
Подключать хост VMware ESXi™ к NAS, iSCSI, Fibre Channel-хранилищам
Создавать VMware vSphere® VMFS datastore
Мигрировать ВМ с помощью VMware vSphere® vMotion®
Мигрировать ВМ с помощью VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®

После прохождения обучения слушатели будут уметь:
Описывать архитектуру vRealize Automation и варианты использования в облачных средах.
Управлять объектами vRealize Automation в VMware и сторонних виртуальных и облачных инфраструктурах.
Настраивать и управлять облачными Cloud Accounts, Projects, Flavor Mappings, Image Mappings, Network Profiles, Storage Profiles, Volumes, Tags, Services.
Создавать, изменять, управлять и развертывать Cloud Templates.
Подключаться к кластеру Kubernetes и управлять пространствами имен.
Настраивать сервисы и виртуальные машины с помощью cloudConfig.
Настраивать и управлять Service Broker.
Настраивать и управлять действиями ABX, подписками брокера событий и рабочими процессами vRealize Orchestrator.
Производить интеграцию с vRealize Orchestrator.
Устанавливать vRealize Automation с Lifecycle Configuration Manager
Описывать Cloud Automation Services (Cloud Assembly и Code Stream).
Интегрировать Cloud Assembly с Terraform и SaltStack
Использовать журналы и команды интерфейса командной строки для отслеживания и устранения неполадок в работе vRealize Automation.

Программа курса:
Содержание курса

Обзор и архитектура vRealize Automation
Цели использования vRealize Automation
Архитектура vRealize Automation
Использование VMware Workspace ONE® AccessTM
Отношения между кластерами Kubernetes, контейнерами и сервисами vRealize Automation
Команды CLI для управления кластером vRealize Automation 8
Cloud Assembly
Service Broker
Code Stream

Установка vRealize Automation
Типы развертывания vRealize Automation
Цели использования vRealize easy installer
Анализ процесса установки vRealize Automation

Аутентификация и авторизация
Интеграция Workspace One с Active Directory
Функции Workspace One
Пользовательские роли в vRealize Automation
Создание собственных ролей

Базовая настройка
Быстрое создание базовой конфигурации с cloud account, cloud zone, project, flavor mapping, image mapping

VMware Cloud Templates
Создание и внедрение базового облачного шаблона
Создание универсальных cloud templates
Использование cloudConfig для запуска команд и создания пользователей
Использование YAML для переменных и условных выражений

Теги и настройка хранилища
Создание тегов
Различные типы тегов
Настройка storage profiles

Интеграция NSX-T Data Center
Сценарии использования NSX-T Data Center
Архитектура и компоненты NSX-T Data Center
Интеграция NSX-T Data Center с vRealize Automation
Поддерживаемые сетевые профили vRealize Automation
Сетевые параметры и механизмы безопасности

Интеграция с публичными облаками
Настройка и использование учетных записей VMware Cloud Foundation
Настройка и использование учетной записи AWS
Настройка и использование учетной записи Azure
Настройка и использование учетной записи Google Cloud Platform

Использование Service Broker для управления каталогом
VMware Cloud Template™
Определение content source и content sharing
Политика Service Broker

vRealize Automation Extensibility
Создание подписки
Вызов рабочего процесса vRealize Orchestrator
Создание ABX actions

Использование Code Stream
Code Stream
Процесс CI/CD
Интеграция GitLab с Code Stream и Cloud Assembly
Использование Code Stream для установки ПО

Использование Terraform
Интеграция Cloud Assembly с Terraform
Использование Terraform с VMware Cloud Template
Использование Terraform с Code Stream

Использование кластеров Kubernetes
Введение в Kubernetes
Подключение к существующему Kubernetes Cluster
Интеграция VMware Tanzu™ Grid Integrated Edition
Создание Supervisor Namespace

Использование SaltStack
Введение в SaltStack в среде vRealize Automation
Использование SaltStack для внедрения ПО
Использование SaltStack для управления настройками
Использование SaltStack для управления на основе событий

Устранение неполадок и интеграция vRealize Automation
Анализ журналов
Мониторинг истории деплоя
Базовые шаги поиска и устранения неполадок
CLI команды
Сбор логов (VAMI console)
Интеграция с VMware vRealize® Log Insight™
Интеграция с vRealize Operations
Миграция vRealize Automation 7.x на 8

VRASSDM86 - VMware vRealize Automation SaltStack SecOps: Deploy and Manage v8.6

Длительность: 2 дня (16 часов)
Код курса: VRASSDM86

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This two-day, hands-on training course provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in using VMware vRealize® Automation SaltStack® SecOps. SaltStack SecOps allows you to scan your system for compliance against security benchmarks, detect system vulnerabilities, and remediate your results. This course enables you to create the SaltStack SecOps custom compliance libraries and use SaltStack SecOps. In addition, this course provides you with the fundamentals of how to use VMware vRealize® Automation SaltStack® Config to install software and manage system configurations.

Who should attend

The primary audience for this course is as follows:

Security administrators who are responsible for using SaltStack SecOps to manage the security operations in their enterprise.


You should have the following understanding or knowledge:

Basic Linux administration skills
Basic Windows administration skills
Knowledge and working experience of VMware vSphere® environments

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

Describe the architecture of SaltStack Config and SaltStack SecOps
Integrate SaltStack Config with directory services.
Configure roles and permissions for users and groups to manage and use SaltStack SecOps
Use targeting to ensure that the jobs run on the correct minion systems
Use remote execution modules to install the packages, transfer files, manage services, and manage users on minion systems
Manage configuration control on the minion systems with states
Use Jinja and YAML code to manage the minion systems with the state files
Use SaltStack SecOps to update the compliance and vulnerability content libraries
Use SaltStack SecOps to enforce compliance and remediation on the infrastructure with industry standard benchmarks
Use SaltStack SecOps to provide automated vulnerability scanning and remediation on your infrastructure

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

SaltStack Config Overview and Architecture

Identify the SaltStack Config deployment types
Identify the components of SaltStack Config
Describe the role of each SaltStack Config component

SaltStack Config Security

Describe local user authentication
Describe LDAP and Active Directory authentication
Describe the roles and permissions in vRealize Automation for SaltStack Config
Describe the roles and permissions in SaltStack Config
Describe the SecOps permissions in SaltStack Config
Describe the advanced permissions available in SaltStack Config

Targeting Minions

Describe targeting and its importance
Target minions by lists
Target minions by glob
Target minions by minion ID
Target minions by regular expressions
Target minions by compound matching
Target minions by complex logical matching

Remote Execution and Job Management

Describe remote execution and its importance
Describe functions and arguments
Create and manage jobs
Use the Activities dashboard

SaltStack Config State

Define the SaltStack states
Describe file management in SaltStack Config
Create the SaltStack state files
Identify the components of a SaltStack state

Using Jinja and YAML

Describe the SaltStack Config renderer system
Use YAML in the state files
Use Jinja in the state files
Use Jinja conditionals, lists, and loops

Using SaltStack SecOps Compliance

Describe the SaltStack SecOps architecture
Describe CIS and DISA STIG benchmarks
Describe the SaltStack SecOps Compliance security library
Create and manage the policies
Create and manage the custom checks
Run assessments on the minion systems
Use SaltStack SecOps to remediate the noncompliant systems
Manage the SaltStack SecOps Compliance configuration options
Manage the benchmark content ingestion

Using SaltStack SecOps Vulnerability

Describe Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
Use the vulnerability dashboard
Create and manage the policies
Update the vulnerability library
Run the vulnerability scans
Remediate the vulnerabilities
Manage the vulnerability exemptions

VROICM86 - VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage v8.6

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VROICM86

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the knowledge and skills to deploy a VMware vRealize® Operations™ cluster that meets the monitoring requirements of your environment. This course includes advanced capabilities such as customizing alerts, views, reports, and dashboards and explains the architecture in vRealize Operations. This course explains application monitoring, certificates, capacity and cost concepts, and workload optimization with real-world use cases. This course covers troubleshooting using the workbench, alerts, and redefined dashboards and describes how to manage compliance and configurations. This course also covers several management packs.

Product Alignment

VMware vSphere 7.0.3
VMware vRealize® Operations™ 8.6

Who should attend

Experienced system administrators and system integrators
Consultants responsible for designing, implementing, and customizing vRealize Operations


This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Professional ‒ Cloud Operations 2023
VMware Certified Advanced Professional ‒ Cloud Management and Automation Design 2023


Before taking this course, you must complete at least one the following:

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage
6 months hands-on vRealize Operations experience

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

List the vRealize Operations use cases
Identify features and benefits of vRealize Operations
Determine the vRealize Operations cluster that meets your monitoring requirements
Deploy and configure a vRealize Operations cluster
Use interface features to assess and troubleshoot operational issues
Describe vRealize Operations certificates
Create policies to meet the operational needs of your environment
Recognize effective ways to optimize performance, capacity, and cost in data centers
Troubleshoot and manage problems using workbench, alerts, and predefined dashboards
Manage configurations
Configure application monitoring using VMware vRealize® Application Remote Collector™
Create custom symptoms and alert definitions, reports, and views
Create various custom dashboards using the dashboard creation canvas
Configure widgets and widget interactions for dashboards
Create super metrics
Set up users and user groups for controlled access to your environment
Extend the capabilities of vRealize Operations by adding management packs and configuring solutions
Monitor the health of the vRealize Operations cluster by using self-monitoring dashboards

Course Outline

Course Introduction
Introduction to vRealize Operations
vRealize Operations Architecture
Deploying vRealize Operations
vRealize Operations Concepts
vRealize Operations Policies and Certificate Management
Capacity Optimization
What-If Scenarios and Costing in vRealize Operations
Performance Optimization
Troubleshooting and Managing Configurations
Application Monitoring in vRealize Operations
Custom Alert, Views, and Reports
Custom Dashboards
Super Metrics
User Access Control
Extending and Managing a vRealize Operations Deployment

VASLICM810 - VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle: Install, Configure, Manage v8.10

Длительность: 2 дня (16 часов)
Код курса: VASLICM810

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This two-day, hands-on training course focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle™, which manages products such as VMware Aria Operations™, VMware Aria Operations™ for Logs, and VMware Aria Automation™. This course prepares you to perform Day 0 to Day 2 operations for your environment using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

Who should attend

Experienced system administrators and system engineers


You should also have the following understanding or knowledge:

Knowledge and working experience of VMware vSphere™ environments
Good understanding of one or more VMware Aria Suite products

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

List the use cases for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Deploy and configure VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Manage certificates in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle environments
Create, manage, and scale VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle environments
Add VMware Aria Suite products to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Manage VMware Aria Suite products with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Use VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle to perform content life cycle management
Migrate a legacy VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle instance
Explain the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle component settings
Troubleshoot day-to-day operations of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Introduction to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle

Describe the use cases for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
List the features of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
List system requirements for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Use Easy Installer to deploy VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle

VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Configuration

Create Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) for VMware Aria Suite product instances
Configure VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle settings
Add certificates to VMware Aria Suite product instances
Add VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle environments
Add VMware Aria Suite product binaries

Adding VMware Aria Suite Products

Deploy a new VMware Aria Suite product
Manage a VMware Aria Suite product using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Add an existing VMware Aria Suite product to an environment

VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Day 2 Operations

Perform ongoing management tasks
Monitor the health of the environment
Use content from the marketplace
Use VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle to perform content life cycle management

VMware Aria Suite Lifecyle Migration

Prepare a legacy VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle instance for migration
Migrate VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle using Easy Installer

Troubleshooting VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle

Identify the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle component settings
Describe the procedure to generate and download the log bundle
Use Linux commands to assist with troubleshooting VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Recognize entries in commonly accessed VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle log files

VMware Cloud Director

VCDICM104 - VMware Cloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage v10.4

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VCDICM104

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day course provides comprehensive training to install, configure, and manage an on-premises VMware Cloud Director environment. This course covers key features and functionality offered in the VMware Cloud Director 10.4.0 and VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1. You will learn about workload provisioning, the creation of organizations, virtual data centers (VDCs), and catalog services that include predefined virtual machines. You will learn about different networks that a system administrator and an organization administrator can configure and use with virtual machines and vApps.

Product Alignment

VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1
VMware vSphere® 8.0
VMware NSX 4.1.0
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 22.1.2

Course Content

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Software-Defined Data Center and VMware Validated Solution
Discuss VMware Validated Solution
Define software-defined data center (SDDC)
Discuss multitenancy with VMware Cloud Director
Recognize the design considerations when creating a cloud environment on the SDDC using VMware Cloud Foundation

VMware Cloud Director Deployment and Configuration

Describe the VMware Cloud Director cell and server group
Explain the two-stage deployment of VMware Cloud Director cells
Demonstrate backing up and restoring a VMware Cloud Director appliance
Discuss VMware Cloud Director Appliance Clustering
Discuss failover mechanisms (automatic and manual) with VMware Cloud Director cells
Define the switchover, and promote options of the VMware Cloud Director appliance

VMware Cloud Director Provider Configuration

Showcase VMware Cloud Director integration with VMware vCenter Server® and VMware NSX
Describe how the compute resources are provided to VMware Cloud Director
Describe how storage is provided to VMware Cloud Director
Configure and manage storage for Virtual Data Centers (VDCs)
Discuss network pools, external networks, and provider gateways
Describe VMware Cloud Director organizations
Understand organization policies
Explain how to access an organization using various portals
Understand the use cases of Allocation Models
Understand organization VDC
Discuss Linked Clone and Fast Provisioning

VMware Cloud Director User, Roles, and Quota Management

Discuss rights bundle
Describe role-based access
Explain custom roles and rights
Describe and configure LDAP integration with Active Directory
Discuss OIDC integration with VMware Cloud Director
Discuss configuring the SAML identity provider in VMware Cloud Director
Discuss API Access Token and Service Accounts
Explain Quota Management and its use cases

VMware Cloud Director Virtual Machines and vApps

Understand standalone VMs
Discuss deployment methods of virtual machines
Explain VM properties
Discuss deployment methods of vApps
Discuss the vApp lease policies
Understand the vApps and VM actions
Explain vApp and VM badges
Demonstrate auto scaling groups

VMware Cloud Director Content Libraries

Explain the purpose of catalogs and how to create a catalog
Discuss catalog management and sharing catalogs
Understand media files in VMware Cloud Director and their usage
Discuss vApp templates
Understand vApp template operations
Discuss organization VDC templates
Discuss Fast Cross vCenter Server vApp Instantiation Utilizing Shared Storage

VMware Cloud Director Networking

Discuss provider gateway, external networks
Describe edge gateway
Discuss organization VDC networks
List the types of organization VDC networks
Discuss vApp networks
List the various types of vApp networks

Edge Gateway Services and Additional Networking Features

List the edge gateway services
Discuss DHCP, NAT, and firewall services on the edge gateway
Discuss SNAT, DNAT, NO SNAT, and NO DNAT use cases
Explain routing and distributed firewall services
Understand IP space and its types
Showcase VMware Cloud Director integration with VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Describe the segment profile template

VMware Cloud Director Storage and Compute

Describe named disks and shared named disks
Demonstrate how to attach and detach a named disk and a shared named disk
Discuss how VMware Cloud Director VMs and disks are encrypted
Discuss vCenter Server and VMware Cloud Director IOPS storage policies usage
Discuss how to enable and use the storage IOPS limitation in VMware Cloud Director
Demonstrate VM sizing and placement in VMware Cloud Director
Discuss vGPU implementation in VMware Cloud Director

Additional Features of VMware Cloud Director

Describe the usage and functionality of advisories
Demonstrate quick search
Discuss guided tours and use cases
Discuss Transfer Server Storage Monitoring
Demonstrate the VMware Cloud Director branding themes
Explain the Solution Add-Ons feature in Vmware Cloud Director

VMware Cloud Director Integrated Solutions

Briefly discuss VMware Cloud Director integration with the following solutions:

VMware Cloud Director Availability
VMware Cloud Director App Launchpad
VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension
VMware vCloud Usage Meter
VMware Aria Operations for Logs
VMware Aria Operations
VMware Chargeback
VMware Aria Automation
VMware Cloud Director Extension for Data Solutions
VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager Terraform
VMware Workspace ONE

Who should attend

Cloud architects, systems engineers, data center administrators, and cloud administrators with experience in managed services or managing a service provider environment


This course requires completion of the following course and equivalent knowledge:

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage V8 or equivalent knowledge

The following experience is helpful:

Working at the Linux command line
Substantial knowledge of general networking concepts

Course Outline
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe the architecture and main components of VMware Cloud Director
Understand the features and benefits of VMware Cloud Director
Deploy the high availability VMware Cloud Director cluster
Create VMware Cloud Director provider virtual data centers and organizations
Configure and create vApps and VMs
Create users and role-based access control
Create and manage VMware Cloud Director catalogs
Create and manage VMware Cloud Director networks
Create VM sizing and placement policies
Discuss additional features of VMware Cloud Director

VCFPMO5 - VMware Cloud Foundation: Deploy, Configure, Manage v5.0

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: VCFPMO5

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This five-day training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence with VMware Cloud Foundation 5.0. This course teaches you how deploy VMware Cloud Foundation, and perform the tasks required for the initial configuration and ongoing operation after deployment.

Product Alignment
VMware Cloud Foundation 5.0
VMware vSphere 8.0
VMware NSX 4
vSphere with Tanzu

Who should attend

System architects and system administrators


The course material presumes that you have the following skills or experience:

Operational capabilities with VMware vSphere processes and architecture
Operational capabilities with VMware NSX
Operational knowledge of vSAN

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Plan a deployment for VMware Cloud Foundation
Understand VMware Cloud Foundation and supporting architecture
Configure VMware Cloud Foundation for VMware Cloud Connectivity
Understand the VMware Cloud Foundation subscription licensing model
Perform Day-Zero tasks
Perform VMware Cloud Foundation platform onboarding
Manage user credentials in VMware Cloud Foundation
Configure NSX networking in VMware Cloud Foundation
Deploy and manage Workload Domains
Deploy vSphere with Tanzu on VMware Cloud Foundation
Understand and implement storage solutions and related policies
Perform maintenance tasks for the VMware Cloud Foundation platform
Manage certificates for VMware Cloud Foundation and connected technologies
Manage the lifecycle for VMware Cloud Foundation
Engage with VMware Cloud Foundation Technical Support

Course Outline

Course Introduction
VMware cloud foundation overview
VMware Cloud Foundation+ and VMware Cloud Connectivity
Day Zero Tasks
Post-Deployment Operations
VMware Cloud Foundation Networking with NSX
Managing Workload Domains
vSphere with Tanzu in VMware Cloud Foundation
VMware Cloud Foundation Storage Management
Availability and Business Continuity
VMware Cloud Foundation Certificate Management
VMware Cloud Foundation Lifecycle Management
VMware Cloud Foundation Troubleshooting

VMware Horizon

HDM8 - VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: HDM8

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  ₸
Онлайн формат:  ₸



VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage is a five-day combination course of VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management & VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration. This training collection gives you the hands-on skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You will build on your skills in configuring and managing VMware Horizon® 8 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines and how to provide a customized desktop environment to end-users. Additionally, you will learn how to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You learn how to install and configure VMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™, how to configure a load balancer for use with Horizon, and how to establish Cloud Pod Architecture.

Product Alignment

VMware Horizon 8 V2006


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon
Use VMware vSphere® to create VMs to be used as desktops for Horizon
Create and optimize Windows VMs to create Horizon desktops
Install and configure Horizon Agent on Horizon desktop
Configure and manage the VMware Horizon® Client™ systems and connect the client to a VMware Horizon desktop
Configure, manage, and entitle desktop pools of full VMs
Configure, manage, and entitle pools of instant-clone desktops
Create and use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) desktops and application pools
Monitor the Horizon environment using Horizon Console Dashboard and Horizon Help Desk Tool
Identify Horizon Connection Server installation, architecture, and requirements.
Describe the authentication and certification options for a Horizon environment
Recognize the integration process and benefits of VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ and Horizon 8
Discuss performance and scalability options available in Horizon 8
Describe different security options for the Horizon environment


VMware Certified Professional – Desktop and Mobility 2020 (VCP-DTM 2020).

Intended Audience
Operators, administrators, and architects for VMware Horizon should enroll in this course. These individuals are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and or delivery of remote and virtual desktop services. Additional duties can include the implementation, support, and administration of an organization’s end-user computing infrastructure.


Customers attending this course should have, at a minimum, the following skills:

Use VMware vSphere® Web Client to view the state of virtual machines, datastores, and networks
Open a virtual machine console on VMware vCenter Server® and access the guest operating system
Create snapshots of virtual machines
Configure guest customization specifications
Modify virtual machine properties
Convert a virtual machine into a template
Deploy a virtual machine from a template
Attendees should also have the following Microsoft Windows system administration experience:

Configure Active Directory services, including DNS, DHCP, and time synchronization
Restrict user activities by implementing Group Policy objects
Configure Windows systems to enable Remote Desktop Connections
Build an ODBC connection to an SQL Server database


Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Introduction to VMware Horizon

Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon
Describe the conceptual and logical architecture of Horizon

Introduction to Use Case

Define a use case for your virtual desktop and application infrastructure
Convert customer requirements to use-case attributes

vSphere for Horizon 8

Explain basic virtualization concepts
Use VMware vSphere® Client™ to access your vCenter Server system and VMware ESXi™ hosts
Create, provision, and remove a virtual machine

VMware Horizon Desktops

Create a Windows and a Linux virtual machine using vSphere
Optimize and prepare Windows and Linux virtual machines to set up Horizon desktop VMs

VMware Horizon Agents

Outline the configuration choices when installing Horizon Agent on Windows and Linux virtual machines
Create a gold master for Windows Horizon desktops

VMware Horizon Pools

Identify the steps to set up a template for desktop pool deployment
List the steps to add desktops to the VMware Horizon® Connection Server™ inventory
Compare dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools
Outline the steps to create an automated pool
Define user entitlement
Explain the hierarchy of global, pool-level, and user-level policies

VMware Horizon Client Options

Describe the different clients and their benefits
Access Horizon desktop using various Horizon clients and HTML
Configure integrated printing, USB redirection, and the shared folders option
Configure session collaboration and media optimization for Microsoft Teams

Creating and Managing Instant-Clone Desktop Pools

List the advantages of instant clones
Explain the provisioning technology used for instant clone desktop pools
Set up an automated pool of instant clones
Push updated images to instant clone desktop pools

Creating RDS Desktop and Application Pools

Explain the difference between an RDS desktop pool and an automated pool
Compare and contrast an RDS session host pool, a farm, and an application pool
Create an RDS desktop pool and an application pool
Access RDS desktops and application from Horizon Client
Use the instant clone technology to automate the build-out of RDSH farms
Configure load-balancing for RDSHs on a farm

Monitoring VMware Horizon

Monitor the status of the Horizon components using the Horizon Administrator console dashboard
Monitor desktop sessions using the HelpDesk tool

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Horizon Connection Server

Recognize VMware Horizon reference architecture
Identify the Horizon Connection Server supported features
Identify the recommended system requirements for Horizon Connection Server
Configure the Horizon event database
Outline the steps for the initial configuration of Horizon Connection Server
Discuss the ADAM database as a critical component of Horizon Connection Server installation

VMware Horizon Authentication and Certificates

Compare the authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
Describe the Smartcard authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
Outline the steps to create a Horizon administrator and custom roles
Describe the roles available in a Horizon environment
Explain the role that certificates play for Horizon Connection Server
Install and configure certificates for Horizon Connection Server
Install and configure True SSO in a Horizon environment

Workspace ONE Access & Virtual Application Management

Recognize the features and benefits of Workspace ONE Access
Recognize the Workspace ONE Access console features
Explain identity management in Workspace ONE Access
Explain access management in Workspace ONE Access
Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
Deploy virtual applications with Workspace services

VMware Horizon Performance and Scalability

Describe the purpose of a replica connection server
Explain how multiple Horizon Connection Server instances in a pod maintain synchronization
Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8
List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment
Configure a load balancer for use in a Horizon environment
Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture LDAP replication and VIPA
Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture scalability options

Managing VMware Horizon Security

Explain concepts relevant to secure Horizon connections
Describe how to restrict Horizon connections.
Discuss the benefits of using Unified Access Gateway
List the two-factor authentication options that are supported by Unified Access Gateway
List Unified Access Gateway firewall rules
Describe the situation in which you might deploy Unified Access Gateway instances with one, two, or three network interfaces

HCXMO - VMware HCX: Management and Operations

Длительность: 4 дня (32 часа)
Код курса: HCXMO

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This four-day course gives you knowledge and practical exercises sufficient to manage VMware HCX® and to migrate virtual machines using VMware HCX. The course focuses on configuration and management of VMware HCX. The course equips system administrators with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence in migrating virtual machines.

Product Alignment

VMware HCX

Who should attend

System administrators
System engineers
Migration engineers
Migration architects


This course has the following required prerequisites:

VMware NSX-T Data Center: Troubleshooting and Operations [V3.2] (NSXTTO32) or equivalent strong networking experience
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] (VSICM7)
Disaster recovery and business continuity fundamentals

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe core VMware HCX use cases and common triggers for mobility
Describe the core components and features of VMware HCX
Describe a real-life example of a VMware HCX project
Identify all major Cloud Providers offering and supporting VMware HCX
Describe the features of VMware HCX services
Explain the different deployment types for VMware HCX and choose the correct components to deploy for a particular use case
Understand the resource, network, and VMware ESXi™ and VMware vCenter® requirements for VMware HCX
Install and configure VMware HCX
Understand, deploy, and manage the HCX Service Mesh
Understand Network Extension and Traffic Engineering
Create Network Extension and enable Mobility Optimized Networking
Understand WAN Optimization
Understand the different migration types and be able to choose the best one for different applications and workloads
Incorporate VMware HCX into a disaster recovery strategy
Design a VMware HCX deployment for different use cases
Manage the lifecycle of VMware HCX

Course Content

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Introduction to VMware HCX

Describe workload mobility challenges that VMware HCX addresses
Recognize use cases for VMware HCX
Identify all major Cloud providers offering and supporting VMware HCX

HCX Services and Deployment Types

Describe the functions of VMware HCX components
Recognize the services provided by VMware HCX
Recognize when to use different deployment types for VMware HCX
Be able to choose which components to install and configure for a different VMware HCX service

HCX Deployment

Identify the resource, network, and ESXi/VMware vCenter server requirements for VMware HCX
Understand the VMware vCenter user roles and access requirements
Describe the installation workflow
Install, activate, and configure VMware HCX manager
Understand the compute and network profile requirements for VMware HCX and its services
Create site pair, compute, and network profiles
Describe and manage the HCX Service Mesh
Create and configure a HCX Service Mesh

Network Extension

Describe network extension use case and benefits
Compare the HCX-Network extension service with other solutions
Examine Network Extension capabilities and topology
Create a Network Extension
Describe network traffic packet flow

Describe Mobility

Optimized Networking
Enable Mobility Optimized Networking
Describe the TCP Flow Conditioning and Application path resiliency feature of VMware HCX
Recognize the key benefits of TCP flow conditioning and Application path resiliency
Describe WAN optimization
Workload Mobility
Describe different migration types
Recognize the limitation of each migration method and consideration when planning a migration
Understand Bulk and Replication Assisted VMware HCX® vMotion® migration methods
Migrate a VM using Bulk migration
Describe cold and vMotion migration method
Migrate a VM using HCX vMotion migration
Examine non VMware vSphere® workload migration
Migrate a VM using an OS assisted migration method

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Examine disaster recovery concepts
Describe disaster recovery networks
Plan and create disaster recovery networks
Describe VM protection operations
Protect, recover, and test recovery and reverse replication of a VM
Understand VMware HCX and SRM integration and value

HCX Lifecycle Management

Backup and restore the VMware HCX manager
Locate and access VMware HCX logs
Troubleshoot VMware HCX
Plan for VMware HCX manager and component updates

Customer Design Scenarios

Design a VMware HCX deployment
Choose workload mobility methods for the migration
Discuss customer requirements and proposed design
Discuss components, services, and migration methods for the scenario

HSVDM88 - VMware Horizon: Deploy and Manage plus App Volumes Fast Track v8.8

Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: HSVDM88

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This course is a combination of VMware Horizon: Deploy and Manage, and VMware App Volumes and Dynamic Environment Manager: Configure and Manage. Eight days of content, taught over five-days of extended learning. This course gives you the hands-on skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You will build on your skills in configuring and managing VMware Horizon® 8 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines and how to provide a customized desktop environment to end-users. Additionally, you will learn how to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You learn how to install and configure VMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™, how to configure a load balancer for use with Horizon, and how to establish the Cloud Pod Architecture feature in Horizon. Additionally, you will learn how to use VMware App Volumes™ to deliver applications and data to desktops and users at scale. You will gain skills in managing application lifecycles from installation to update and replacement. You will also learn how to use the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager™ to provide personalization of end-user profiles and dynamic policy configurations across virtual, physical, and cloud-based environments.

Product Alignment

VMware Horizon 8 V2212
App Volumes 4 v2212
Dynamic Environment Manager v2212

Who should attend

Operators, administrators, and architects for VMware Horizon who are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and delivery of remote and virtual desktop services.


Customers attending this course should have, at a minimum, the following skills:

Use VMware vSphere® Web Client to view the state of virtual machines, datastores, and networks
Open a virtual machine console on VMware vCenter Server® and access the guest operating system
Create snapshots of virtual machines
Configure guest customization specifications
Modify virtual machine properties
Convert a virtual machine to a template
Deploy a virtual machine from a template

Attendees should also have the following Microsoft Windows system administration experience:

Configure Active Directory services, including DNS, DHCP, and time synchronization
Restrict user activities by implementing Group Policy objects
Configure Windows systems to enable Remote Desktop Connections
Build an ODBC connection to an SQL Server database

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Recognize the features and benefits of VMware Horizon
Define a use case for your virtual desktop and application infrastructure
Use vSphere to create VMs to be used as desktops for VMware Horizon
Create and optimize Windows VMs to create VMware Horizon desktops
Install and Configure Horizon Agent on a VMware Horizon desktop
Configure, manage, and entitle desktop pools of full VMs
Configure and manage the VMware Horizon Client systems and connect the client to a VMware Horizon desktop
Configure, manage, and entitle pools of instant-clone desktops
Create and use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) desktops and application pools
Monitor the VMware Horizon environment using the VMware Horizon Console Dashboard and Horizon Help Desk Tool
Identify VMware Horizon Connection Server installation, architecture, and requirements
Describe the authentication and certificate options for the VMware Horizon environment
Recognize the integration process and benefits of Workspace ONE® Access™ and Horizon 8
Compare the remote display protocols that are available in VMware Horizon
Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8
Discuss scalability options available in Horizon 8
Describe different security options for the Horizon environment
Describe the features, functions, and architecture of App Volumes
Create and deliver application packages in App Volumes
Deliver App Volumes published applications to virtual desktops and on-demand, using Horizon
Describe the features, functions, and architecture of VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
Manage application configurations, user environment settings, and personalization settings using VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
Create predefined configurations for applications by using the Application Profiler
Manage multiple environments using VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
Using VMware Horizon Smart Policies on the VMware Horizon platform

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Introduction to VMware Horizon

Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon
Describe the conceptual and logical architecture of Horizon

Introduction to Use Case

Transform customer requirements to use-case attributes
Define a use case for your virtual desktop and application infrastructure

vSphere for VMware Horizon

Explain basic virtualization concepts
Use VMware vSphere® Client™ to access your VMware vCenter System and VMware ESXi™ hosts
Create a Windows virtual machine using vSphere

Create Windows Desktops

Outline the steps to install Horizon Agent on Windows virtual machines
Install Horizon Agent on a Windows virtual Machine
Optimize and prepare Windows virtual machines to set up Horizon desktop VMs

Create Linux Desktops

Create a Linux VM for Horizon
Install Horizon Agent on a Linux virtual machine
Optimize and prepare Linux virtual machines to set up Horizon desktop VMs

Creating and Managing Desktop Pools

Identify the steps to set up a template for desktop pool deployment
List the steps to add desktops to the VMware Horizon® Connection Server™ inventory
Compare dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools
Outline the steps to create an automated pool
Define user entitlement
Explain the hierarchy of global, pool-level, and user-level policies

VMware Horizon Client Options

Describe the different clients and their benefits
Access the Horizon desktop using various Horizon clients and HTML
Configure integrated printing, USB redirection, and the shared folders option
Configure session collaboration and media optimization for Microsoft Teams

Creating and Managing Instant-Clone Desktop Pools

List the advantages of instant clones
Explain the provisioning technology used for instant clone desktop pools
Configure an automated pool of instant clones
Apply updated images to instant clone desktop pools

Creating RDS Desktop and Application Pools

Explain the difference between an RDS desktop pool and an automated pool
Compare and contrast an RDS session host pool, a farm, and an application pool
Create an RDS desktop pool and an application pool
Access RDS desktops and application from Horizon Client
Use the instant clone technology to automate the build-out of Remote Desktop Session Host farms
Configure load-balancing for RDSHs on a farm

Monitoring VMware Horizon

Monitor the status of the Horizon components using the Horizon Administrator console dashboard
Monitor desktop sessions using the HelpDesk tool
Monitor the performance of the remote desktop using the Horizon Performance Tracker

Horizon Connection Server

Recognize the VMware Horizon reference architecture
Identify the Horizon Connection Server supported features
Identify the recommended system requirements for Horizon Connection Server
Configure the Horizon event database
Outline the steps for the initial configuration of Horizon Connection Server
Discuss the AD LDS database as a critical {an important component?} component of the Horizon Connection Server installation

Horizon Protocols

Compare the remote display protocols that are available in VMware Horizon
Describe the BLAST Display Protocol Codecs
Summarize the BLAST Codec options
List the ideal applications for each BLAST codec
Describe the BLAST and PCoIP ADMX GPO common configurations

Graphics in Horizon 

Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8
Compare vSGA and vDGA
List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment

Securing Connections: Network

Compare tunnels and direct connections for client access to desktops
Discuss the benefits of using Unified Access Gateway
List the Unified Access Gateway firewall rules
Configure TLS certificates in Horizon
Securing Connections: Authentication
Compare the authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
Restrict access to the Horizon remote desktops using restricted entitlements
Describe the smart card authentication methods that Horizon Connection Server supports
Explain the purpose of permissions, roles, and privileges in VMware Horizon
Create custom roles

Horizon Scalability

Describe the purpose of a replica connection server
Explain how multiple Horizon Connection Server instances in a pod maintain synchronization
List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment
Configure a load balancer for use in a Horizon environment
Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture LDAP replication.
Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture scalability options

Horizon Cloud and Universal Broker

Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon Cloud Service
Use Universal broker to connect to a Horizon Cloud instance
Configure and pair the Horizon Cloud Connector appliance with Horizon Connection Server

Workspace ONE Access and Virtual Application Management

Recognize the features and benefits of Workspace ONE Access
Explain identity management in Workspace ONE Access
Explain access management in Workspace ONE Access
Describe the requirements to install and configure True SSO in a Horizon environment
Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
Deploy virtual applications with Workspace services

Overview of App Volumes

Explain features and benefits of App Volumes
Identify benefits of VMware ThinApp®
Identify App Volumes components and architecture
Manage application management stages using App Volumes.

Working with Application Packages

Differentiate between Application, Package and Program
Create an Application Package
Assign an Application to an entity
Use markers to assign the new version of an Application Package
Differentiate between Classic and On-Demand delivery of applications
Update an Application with a new Package

Published Applications

Identify the benefits of delivering Published Applications On-Demand
List the steps and prerequisites for creating Published Applications on Demand
Integrate Horizon Connection Server and App Volumes Manager
Associate App Volumes Manager with an automated farm
Add Application Pools from App Volumes Manager

Overview of VMware Dynamic Environment Manager

Explain features and benefits of Dynamic Environment Manager
Identify the components of Dynamic Environment Manager architecture
Differentiate between user profile scenarios

Management Console User Interface

Configure Personalization settings
Create Condition sets
Perform Application migration
Configure User environment settings

Application Configuration Management

Explain predefined and user-customized application settings
Use Application Profiler
Apply Privilege Elevation

VMware Horizon Smart Policies

Identify the scope of Horizon Smart Policies
Configure Horizon Smart Policies settings
Define Smart Policies Conditions

HIT8 - VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Troubleshooting

Длительность: 3 дня (24 часа)
Код курса: HIT8

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This three-day, hands-on training provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to troubleshoot VMware Horizon® 8 infrastructure. This workshop teaches the required skill and competence for troubleshooting VMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™, protocols, connections, and certificates.

Who should attend

System administrators
System integrators
This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Professional ‒ Desktop Management 2023
VMware Certified Advanced Professional ‒ Desktop Management Design 2023
VMware Certified Advanced Professional ‒ Desktop Management Deploy 2023


This course requires completion of one of the following:

VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage (HDM8)
VMware Horizon 7: Install, Configure, Mange

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Discuss Horizon Connection Server advanced configurations
List troubleshooting techniques for Horizon Connection Server common issues
Interpret Horizon 8 Connection Server logs
Identify Unified Access Gateway configuration and certificate issues
List troubleshooting steps for Unified Access Gateway common issues
Describe BLAST configuration verification using logs and settings
Describe BLAST optimization recommendations for different use cases
Describe Horizon 8 Connections and how to troubleshoot related issues
Describe Horizon 8 certificates
List troubleshooting steps for common issues with Horizon 8 certificates
Leverage Horizon infrastructure troubleshooting steps to resolve issues

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introduction and course logistics
Course objectives

Horizon Connection Server Troubleshooting

Discuss Horizon Connection Server general troubleshooting techniques
Identity Horizon Connection Server common issues through logs
Describe AD LDS replication
Discuss Horizon Connection Server replication common issues
Review and Interpret Horizon Connection Server logs
Compare successful and unsuccessful logs from everyday infrastructure administration tasks

Unified Access Gateway Troubleshooting

List and identify common Unified Access Gateway deployment issues
Monitor the Unified Access Gateway deployment to identify health and issues
Identify and troubleshoot Unified Access Gateway certificate issues
Monitor, test, and troubleshoot network problems
Discuss general Unified Access Gateway troubleshooting processes

BLAST Configuration Verification

Discuss BLAST Codecs and Encoder Switch settings.
Describe how to verify BLAST configuration using logs and settings

BLAST Optimization

List general BLAST optimization recommendations
Summarize BLAST tuning recommendations that apply to WAN connections
Summarize BLAST tuning recommendations that apply to work-from-home and home-office-to-cloud use cases
Describe recommended tuning options to increase display protocol quality for all use cases and applications.

VMware Horizon Connections Troubleshooting

Explain Horizon connections
Describe the role of Primary and Secondary protocols in Horizon connections
Describe HTML client access connections
Describe Horizon connections load balancing
Describe timeout settings, supported health monitoring string, and suitable load balancer persistence values
Identify troubleshooting steps for failing Horizon load balancer connections
List troubleshooting steps for Horizon connections

VMware Horizon Certificates Troubleshooting

List Horizon certificate functions
Describe Horizon certificates scenarios.
Discuss potential challenges related to certificates in Horizon
Describe the troubleshooting approach to Horizon certificate issues

VMware Horizon Challenge Lab

Leverage Horizon infrastructure troubleshooting steps to resolve issues

HVDT8 - VMware Horizon 8: Virtual Desktop Troubleshooting

Длительность: 2 дня (16 часов)
Код курса: HVDT8

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This two-day course builds your skills in resolving common issues that occur in a VMware Horizon® environment. You engage in a series of lab exercises to bring existing environment issues to resolution. The exercises mirror real-world troubleshooting use cases. These exercises equip learners with the knowledge and practical skills to manage typical challenges faced by virtual desktop administrators and operators.

Product Alignment

VMware Horizon 8 v2006

Who should attend

Experienced system operators, administrators, and integrators responsible for managing and maintaining VMware Horizon solutions.


This course is part of the following Certifications:

VMware Certified Professional ‒ Desktop Management 2023
VMware Certified Advanced Professional ‒ Desktop Management Design 2023
VMware Certified Advanced Professional ‒ Desktop Management Deploy 2023


VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management (HSVDM8)

This course also requires knowledge of the following:

Using VMware vSphere® Web Client to view the state of virtual machines, datastores, and networks
Opening a virtual machine console on VMware vCenter Server® and accessing the guest operating system
Configuring Active Directory services, including DNS, DHCP, and time synchronization
Restricting user activities by implementing Group Policy objects
Configuring Windows systems to enable Remote Desktop Connections
Building an ODBC connection to an SQL Server database

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Implement a structured approach to troubleshooting
Resolve common issues that occur in a VMware Horizon environment
Troubleshoot issues with linked and instant clones
Configure the Windows client
Identify the correct log level for gathering logs
Optimize protocols for best end-user experience

Course Outline

Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Overview of Virtual Desktop Troubleshooting

Structured approach to troubleshooting configuration and operational problems
Applying troubleshooting methods
Documenting the steps to resolving the problem

Command-Line Tools and Backup Options

Using command-line tools
Backing-up and restoring VMware Horizon databases

Troubleshooting Horizon Linked Clone Desktops

Describe the components that make up a VMware Horizon desktop
Explain how the View Agent Direct-Connection plug-In is useful for diagnosing problems
Highlight the best practice for optimizing a VMware Horizon desktop
Troubleshoot common problems with VMware Horizon desktops

Troubleshooting Instant Clones

Discuss how instant clones are created
Discuss what gets logged when an instant clone is created
Discuss the keywords to look for in the logs when troubleshooting instant clones
Discuss how to troubleshoot problems with instant clones

Windows Client

Correctly configure the Windows Client
Identify the correct log level for gathering logs
Enable the required SSL configuration level for the environment

Ports and Protocols

Discuss the key ports on a Horizon Environment
Discuss protocols used in the Horizon Environment
Understand the benefit of optimizing Blast
Become familiar with the optimization features for Blast
Implement GPO changes for Blast
Become familiar with the causes for Black Screens
Discuss how to troubleshoot Black Screen problems
Identify problems encountered when applying GPOs
Discuss how to troubleshoot GPO-related problems

HIA8 - VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration

Длительность: 2 дня (16 часов)
Код курса: HIA8

Стоимость обучения.


Course Overview

This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing and configuring VMware Horizon® through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to install and configure VMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™, how to configure a load balancer for use with Horizon, and how to establish Cloud Pod Architecture.

Product Alignment

VMware Horizon 8 V2006

Who should attend

Administrators and architects for VMware Horizon should enroll in this course. These individuals are responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and administration of an organization’s end-user computing infrastructure.


Customers attending this course should have, at a minimum, the following VMware infrastructure skills:

Use VMware vSphere® Web Client to view the state of virtual machines, datastores, and networks
Open a virtual machine console on VMware vCenter Server® and access the guest operating system
Create snapshots of virtual machines
Configure guest customization specifications
Modify virtual machine properties
Convert a virtual machine into a template
Deploy a virtual machine from a template
Attendees should also have the following Microsoft Windows system administration experience:

Configure Active Directory services, including DNS, DHCP, and time synchronization
Restrict user activities by implementing Group Policy objects
Configure Windows systems to enable Remote Desktop Connections
Build an ODBC connection to an SQL Server database

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Identify Horizon Connection Server installation, architecture, and requirements.
Describe the authentication and certification options for a Horizon environment
Recognize the integration process and benefits of VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ and Horizon 8
Discuss performance and scalability options available in Horizon 8
Describe different security options for the Horizon environment


VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration is the second half of a two-course requirement for the following certification:

VMware Certified Professional – Desktop and Mobility 2020 (VCP-DTM 2020).
VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management satisfies the first requirement. The courses are also available as a single, bundled offering, VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage, which meets the certification requirement on its own.

Course Outline

Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives

Horizon Connection Server

Recognize VMware Horizon reference architecture
Identify the Horizon Connection Server supported features
Identify the recommended system requirements for Horizon Connection Server
Configure Horizon event database
Outline the steps for the initial configuration of Horizon Connection Server
Discuss the ADAM database as a critical component of Horizon Connection Server installation

VMware Horizon Authentication and Certificates

Compare the authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
Describe the Smartcard authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
Outline the steps to create a Horizon administrator and custom roles
Describe the roles available in a Horizon environment
Explain the role that certificates play for Horizon Connection Server
Install and configure certificates for Horizon Connection Server
Install and configure True SSO in a Horizon environment

Workspace ONE Access & Virtual Application Management

Recognize the features and benefits of Workspace ONE Access
Recognize the Workspace ONE Access console features
Explain identity management in Workspace ONE Access
Explain access management in Workspace ONE Access
Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
Deploy virtual applications with Workspace services

VMware Horizon Performance and Scalability

Describe the purpose of a replica connection server
Explain how multiple Horizon Connection Server instances in a pod maintain synchronization
Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8
List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment
Configure a load balancer for use in a Horizon environment
Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture LDAP replication and VIPA
Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture scalability options

Managing VMware Horizon Security

Explain concepts relevant to secure Horizon connections
Describe how to restrict Horizon connections.
Discuss the benefits of using Unified Access Gateway
List the two-factor authentication options that are supported by Unified Access Gateway
List Unified Access Gateway firewall rules
Describe the situation in which you might deploy Unified Access Gateway instances with one, two, or three network interfaces

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