SECICC — Introducing Cisco Cloud Consumer Security


SECICC - Introducing Cisco Cloud Consumer Security

Длительность обучения:
Instructor-led training: 1 day in the classroom
Virtual instructor-led training: 1 day of web-based classes
E-learning: Equivalent of 1 day of instruction with hands-on lab practice

Кому следует посетить:
This course benefits cloud consumers and administrators of public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud infrastructures:
Security architects
Cloud architects
Network engineers and administrators
System engineers and adminstrators
Cloud security consumers
Cloud application administrators
IT managers
Line of business managers
Cisco integrators and partners

Предварительные требования:
This course has no prerequisites, but you’ll get the most from the course if you have the following knowledge and skills:
Basic computer literacy
Basic PC operating system navigation skills
Basic Internet usage skills
Basic IP address knowledge
We also recommend that you have the following skills:
Prior knowledge of cloud computing and virtualization software basics

Программа курса:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

Describe public, private, and hybrid cloud models, concepts, and design
Explain the concepts and components for securing cloud environments
Describe Cisco security offerings for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Define methods to secure SaaS application usage

This class includes lecture sections and some self-study sections. In instructor-led classes, lectures are delivered in real-time, either in person or via video conferencing. In e-learning classes, the lectures are on recorded videos

Записаться на курс

Длительность: 1 день (8 часов)
Код курса: SECICC

Стоимость обучения.
Очный формат:  ₸
Онлайн формат:  ₸

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