CVPS — Scripting for Comprehensive Model


CVPS - Scripting for Comprehensive Model

Lesson 1. What is CVP? CVP Solution Overview

CVP Overview
CVP Components
CVP Comprehensive Model Call Flow (with ICM)

Lesson 2. Making VXML projects with Cisco Unified Call Studio

Call Studio Overview
VXML Project Properties
Importing / Exporting VXML Projects
Call Studio Basics
Deploying Call Studio Projects on CVP VXML Server

Lesson 3. Troubleshooting, Administration and Logs

General troubleshooting tips
Using logs for Studio applications troubleshooting
Using the Studio Debugger to test applications within Studio
Using Studio Documenter to print Visio-like diagrams of the application

Lesson 4. Using Call Studio Native Elements

Element Properties Overview
VoiceXML Properties
Understanding Variables
Audio Element
Digit / Digit with Confirm, Number / Number with Confirm Elements
Form Element
Menu Elements
Flag Element
Decision Element
Action Element
Counter Element
CVP Subdialog Return Element
Sending data from/to ICM

Lesson 5. Using Customized Call Studio Elements

*.java to *.jar Conversion via Call Studio
Installing *.jar Files at Call Studio and CVP VXML Server

Lesson 6. Integration with MS SQL Database

JNDI Configuration
Database Lookup Element
Processing Multiple MS SQL Queries
Using of Built-in Functions at the ICM
Working with multiple pages at Call Studio. Connectors
Hotlinks & Hotevents

Lesson 7. Post Call Survey at UCCE

Enabling Post Call Survey at ICM
Configuring CVP Dialed Patterns
ICM and CVP Call Studio Sample Scripts for Post Call Survey
Record Element
Email Element
Math Element

Lesson 8. Subflows, Subdialogs, Multi-language Call Studio Application and Transfer to Another VXML Application

Using Subflows in Call Studio projects
Subdialog Invoke
Creating a Multilanguage Call Studio Application
Transfer control from one application to another via Application Transfer

Lesson 9. Courtesy Callback

Courtesy Callback basics
Courtesy Callback call flow
Courtesy Callback configuration
Sample Courtesy Callback enabled ICM script

Lesson 10. Super Lab

Creating a Customer Support Call Studio project.

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Длительность: 5 дней (40 часов)
Код курса: CVPS

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